In response to the Philippines accusing the Chinese Coast Guard of the Chinese Coast Guard to launch "military laser" to the Filipino ships, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the Chinese Maritime Police Ship safeguarded China's sovereignty and maritime order in accordance with the law.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on Monday (February 13) that Renai Reef is part of the Nansha Islands in China.In the sea area, the Chinese Maritime Police and Ship, in accordance with the domestic law of China and the international law including the United Nations Marine Law Convention, safeguarded China's sovereignty and maritime order, and operated on -site operations and restraint.

Wang Wenbin also urged the Philippines to effectively respect China's territorial sovereignty and marine rights in the South China Sea, and avoid taking any actions that may lead to expansion of disputes and complicated the situation.China and the Philippines are maintaining communication through diplomatic channels.

Comprehensive Reuters and Agence France -Presse reported that the Philippine Coast Guard accused in a statement on Monday that a Chinese coast guards ship at the Nansha Islands Renai Reef nearly 20 kilometers.The quasi -Philippine ship led to the temporary blindness of the personnel on the ship.

The statement said that the Chinese maritime police ship also carried out "dangerous movements" at the same time, and entered the range of about 140 meters from the Philippines.