Following the resumption of customs clearance in mainland China and Hong Kong last month, Luohu Port's most busy clearance port between Shenzhen and Hong Kong reports that it will fully clear the customs next Monday (February 6).

In addition, the number of people in landing and ports on February 7 may cancel the number of quotas and nucleic acid certificates, which means that the customs clearance of the two places will return to normalization.

A notice from the Internet shows that the property management company of Shenzhen Luohu Commercial City issued a notice to the merchant on Wednesday (February 1), saying that the Luohu Port will be fully cleared on February 6th.Call for merchants to sort out and prepare goods as soon as possible, and must open the door on the first day of customs clearance.

He Sheng'an, deputy general manager of Luohu Commercial City Property Management Company, confirmed to Sing Tao Daily that the commercial city has indeed issued the above notice to the merchants, saying that the news came from the Shenzhen Port Office, and the customs clearance on February 6 was "yes."

Shenzhen -Hong Kong Port resumed customs clearance from January 8th. In the first stage, seven ports were restored to seven ports. They arranged unidirectional 50,000 land customs clearance quotas every day.The highest amount of Luohu Port is still unobstructed.

As the largest passenger in China, the number of passengers in and out of land port, Luohu Port has a special business system status in the fields of transit trade and tourism services.

Since the beginning of the crown disease, with the closure of the port, the business city of the surrounding people's crowded commercial city has also plummeted.

Zeng Yipu is difficult to find a commercial city to lose 20 % of tenants in three years

In order to retain and support merchants, the owners of Luohu Commercial City gave customers a three -year discount for rent -free, and the monthly management fee was also halved, but this is still a lot of expenses.About 20 % of tenants.

Since January 8th, the implementation of the first phase of Lugang has been implemented for nearly a month. Some Hong Kong merchants said that the Shenzhen government officials revealed at the symposium that the number of people may be canceled from February 7th.No nucleic acid proof is required to go to the two places, and it will realize the recovery of the full customs clearance of Lu and Port.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao also said earlier that the first phase of Lugang was operated well. He was confident that he could soon announce good news, including cancellation of nucleic acid testing requirements, increased the number of open ports, and revoking quota arrangements.