The three major national aviation companies in China are expected to lose more than 100 billion yuan.

Comprehensive China News Agency and Securities Times report") He and China Southern Airlines Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as" Southern Airlines ") issued the latest performance trailer on Monday (January 30) in the evening (January 30). The three airlines are expectedAbout 19.4 billion yuan).

Announcement shows that Air China is expected to have a net loss of about 37 billion to 39.5 billion yuan in 2022; China Eastern Airlines is expected to have a net loss of 36 billion to 39 billion yuan in 2022;From the yuan to 33.2 billion yuan.

Based on this calculation, the total net loss of China's three major state -owned aircraft companies last year was 103.3 billion yuan to 111.7 billion yuan.The loss of head airlines has been further expanded compared to 2021.

In 2021, Air China, China China Eastern Airlines, and Southern Airlines had a net loss of 16.64 billion yuan, 12.214 billion yuan, and 12.103 billion yuan, respectively.

Regarding the expected loss of performance, Air China said that in 2022, due to the continuous affected by the crown disease, passenger travel demand is at a low level.The market markets of the company have been repeatedly impacted by the epidemic, especially in the Beijing market's capacity investment and total weekly transition to the lowest since the epidemic.At the same time, due to the multiple unfavorable factors such as high oil prices and fluctuations in exchange rate fluctuations, the difficulty of improving the company's operations has been further increased, and the main investment enterprises are also seriously affected.

China China Eastern Airlines said that in 2022, due to the continuous influence of the epidemic, the civil aviation industry fell into a downturn.The company's headquarters is located in Shanghai, and has undergone a severe challenge for the impact of the epidemic. At the same time, the high international oil prices and the depreciation of the exchange rate of the US dollar on the US dollar have further aggravated the company's cost pressure.Affected by the impact of the epidemic and other external adverse factors, it is expected that the company's operating performance in 2022 will continue to lose money.

Southern Airlines said that during the reporting period, the Chinese civil aviation industry was affected by multiple impacts such as repeated epidemic, high oil prices, and depreciation of the RMB, and the industry situation was severe and complicated.In 2022, the company's capacity investment and income kilometers fell by about 28.1%and 33.0%year -on -year, respectively, and decreased by about 55.3%and 64.2%compared with 2019.Affected by multiple factors such as the epidemic, the company continued to lose money in 2022.