Because the village cannot buy an antipyretic medicine, a four -family of Inner Mongolia fever is taken with veterinary medicine, which causes children to have poisoning.Liver failure was critical.Not According to the People's Daily Health Client, the four people of the Wang Meng family of Ningcheng County, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia successively experienced fever symptoms in mid -December 2022.Not Because the village could not be bought in the village, Wang Meng's parents took the beast with antipyretic acetylphenol injection after the fever did not retreat.Wang Meng's father said, "If you eat hard in your mouth, there is nothing uncomfortable." He also said that the medicine was originally a medicine for a few cows that was raised at home.Taking it, I can reduce fever.Not Wang Meng and his younger brother also fired a high fever, and his parents also took a veterinary acetyistol injection for the children.However, Wang Meng and his younger brother had symptoms such as nausea, abdominal pain, and vomiting after taking the medicine. The parents mistakenly believed that the symptoms of the seizure of the crown disease were mistakenly taken for the children.Not The symptoms of the sisters and brothers did not alleviate it before they were taken to a local hospital. The examination found that the liver and kidney function were damaged. The condition was very critical.The doctor suggested to go in Beijing for treatment.Not The two sisters and brothers arrived at Beijing Bayi Children's Hospital, Beijing Bayi Children's Hospital affiliated to the 7th Medical Center of the Seventh Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital on December 29, 2022.Not Sun Liying, director of the Department of Severe Health Diseases of Beijing Friendship Hospital, said that when Wang Meng was admitted to the hospital, he was mentally sluggish. The transaminase was as many as 2200U/L. There were symptoms of early hepatic encephalopathy and poor coagulation.At that time, they were prepared for both hands and scrambled to treat them through internal medicine. If they were not cured and liver failure continued to worsen, liver transplantation might need to be performed.Fortunately, they made corrected coagulation reduced blood ammonia for Wang Meng, and after infusion of drugs for poisoning against acetaminol, Wang Meng's transaminase gradually declined the next day. NowIt has been reduced by 10 times.Not Sun Liying introduced, "The normal range of transaminase is 0-40U/L. It is still higher than the normal value, but in terms of her recovery, it is expected to be discharged smoothly next week." NotSPAN> In addition, Wang Meng's brother also separated from the danger after being replaced by artificial liver three times after three plasma plasma, and is expected to be discharged with his sister.