Zhang Wenhong, director of the National Infectious Disease Medical Center of China, said that after entering the first wave of crown disease, China will gradually enter the local epidemic stage and "synchronize" with the world.

China Sunday (January 8) officially adjusted the crown disease to the "Class B and B" today, but the public still exists in problems such as the prevention and control of the epidemic, strain mutation, and the protection of the elderly.Worry.

According to the above -Guan News report, Zhang Wenhong, the director of the Infectious Department of Huashan Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Fudan University last Saturday (7th), delivered a keynote speech on the 2nd Guanghua Forum, delivered the above views.

Zhang Wenhong introduced in his speech that in the past century, there have been five large -scale infectious diseases worldwide in the world.In addition to crown diseases, the first four were influenza, which were Spanish flu in 1918, Asian flu from 1957 to 1958, Hong Kong flu to Hong Kong from 1968 to 1969, and A -type H1N1 influenza from 2009 to 2010.

He said, now, flu has become local epidemic infectious diseases, and only nearly 200,000 people in the world die due to influenza every year.Of course, because influenza virus detection is insufficient, this data may be underestimated.

Regarding the evolution of crown diseases from the global popularity to local popularity, Zhang Wenhong gave a positive response, saying that in some countries, after the public experienced large -scale popular pain, the number of excess deaths has been significantly large.reduce.

Excess death refers to the difference between the actual number of death tolls that occur in a region and the number of deaths obtained by the estimated year of infectious diseases, which can accurately reflect the fatality of infectious diseases.

Zhang Wenhong compared with Singapore and the United States, saying that Singapore's excess death is close to zero, and the mortality rate of crown disease is also very low in the near future. One of the important reason is that during the popularity of Delta mutations, Singapore is majority.Most elderly people have completed three -shot vaccination.

He said that compared with Singapore, Omikon is very fatal in the United States.This is closely related to the in vaccination rate of the elderly for the elderly in the United States.

Zhang Wenhong explained that even if the coronary vaccine decreased after six months, the immune response would still be triggered after the invasion of Omikon, and the "memory" of immune cells was strong.Therefore, it is called that the vaccination rate of the elderly over 60 years of age should be increased as soon as possible to 90%.

In the period of transformation from large scale to local popularity, Zhang Wenhong called on relevant departments to complete the drug reserves as soon as possible according to the high -risk factors of the provinces and cities."There must be medicines at the grassroots level to prevent the second and third -level medical resources from crowding. If you can cover antiviral drugs for 100%high -risk factors, it will effectively reduce the severe rate of people with high risk factors."

Zhang Wenhong emphasized that traditional Chinese medicine will bring additional auxiliary effects to the Chinese.In the infected "Gold 72 hours", the community health service center should first use antiviral small molecular drugs, and at the same time use oxygen therapy, Chinese medicine and low -dose hormones for treatment.

Zhang Wenhong said: "I believe that China has the ability to turn the crown disease into local popularity. China has entered the first wave of the peak period of the great popularity. As the medical resources are gradually in place, it will be in place.Transition to local epidemic stages. The end result is likely to be global convergence, just like influenza, becoming seasonal epidemic diseases. "