Tiktok CEO Zhou, Zhou, was funded to meet with EU officials and regulatory agencies in Brussels this week. This popular application faces stricter reviews of its ownership of Chinese ownership in the United States.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Zhou Yinzheng will meet with the EU Council's Executive Vice Chairman and Westiger in charge of competition affairs on Tuesday (January 10).He also plans to meet with the judicial commissioner Redels, the internal affairs commissioner John Song, and the vice chairman of the value and transparency, Julwa.

A spokesman for Westgig said that the purpose of her meeting was to evaluate how the company prepares the new regulations of the European Union's fair competition between Internet security and technology companies that take effect in 2023.

The spokesman said that the European Commission also plans to meet with other technology companies.

When asked about the upcoming meeting, a spokesman for the European Commission said last week that the European Union generally pays attention to the personal data protection of Tiktok and other applications.