There is a strange text message from the "Ace Pilot" sent by China on Sunday (January 8), which received a strange message from China Mobile.Caused speculation, Beijing Mobile responded on Monday that this was a test SMS in the system upgrade and apologized.Not According to the surging news report, many Beijing citizens received text messages from China Mobile's official customer service 10086 on Sunday evening. The content was only one sentence, "Ace Pilot applied for fighting."Ms. Li in Beijing said that this SMS made her puzzled. I don't know what this sentence meant. After asking, she found that there were friends around her who received the same text message.Not Many netizens also discussed this strange text message on Weibo that day. Some people said that behind the text messages followed by the "Ace Pilot", the content also launched the "China Mobile Mobile Business Hall.Golden eggs drawing bill vouchers and traffic vouchers, the number of prizes is limited to get first ", and also contains a link. I wonder if it is fraud.Not China Mobile told the media that night that the relevant reasons were in urgent inspection.Not On Monday morning, some mobile phone users received a text message from 10086 that Beijing Mobile upgraded the system on the evening of the 8th.apology.