The neck is looking forward to more than three years, and Eason Chan, who lives in Singapore, has finally reunited with his mother in Hangzhou, China.She and her family Sunday (January 8) went to Changyi Airport to pick up the plane, and she also prepared flowers, banners and red carpets to welcome her mother's arrival.

Eason Chan (45 years old, art practitioners) and husband and children moved from Singapore in Switzerland in 2019.Compared with Switzerland, Singapore is closer to China. She told her mother that "just come in the future, and leave if she wants to go." After a long time after the crown disease outbreak, they could not reunite.

For more than three years, Eason Chan burst into tears at the moment when he saw his mother on Sunday.

She said: "Although I will chat with her mother through WeChat every day, she can see her, and she is still very excited. The mother will stay for at least one month this time.Leave more time here. "

China, which has been closed for three years, was sharply opened on Sunday (January 8), and no longer adopted all employees' nucleic acid detection and centralized isolation.With the relaxation of epidemic prevention measures, many Chinese people rest assured that they went abroad to visit relatives and travel in Singapore.

Before the epidemic, Li Chunmei (36 years old, housewives) often came to visit her husband who worked in Singapore.Due to the epidemic, the couple had not been able to meet for three years. She arrived in Singapore on Sunday afternoon and finally reunited with her husband."Previously, because of many restrictions, our husband and wife can only separate two places. This time, come to Singapore to visit relatives for a month.

Living locally Chinese people return to see their families on the first day of opening

The official website of Changi Airport shows that there are four flights to Singapore from China on Sunday, and there are five flights from Singapore to China.These flights mainly travel to and from Hangzhou, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.Singapore Airlines has restored Singapore's direct passenger flights in Beijing not long ago. This is the passenger service of Shinhang's resumption of passenger service to the Chinese capital after nearly three years.

There is less isolation restrictions, and a lot of local people living in the local area flew back to China on the first day of opening, and couldn't wait to reunite with family members who had not seen a long time.

Chinese citizen Ni Helen (47 years old, human resources), who has worked in Singapore for three years, took Xiamen Airlines flight to Hangzhou in the afternoon.She returned to China for 28 days last year. This time, she was already prepared to be isolated, but just caught up with the first day of China.

She said: "China has not announced the opening of China when buying a ticket. This time, I am lucky not to be isolated. It is a surprise. You can spend more time with your family."

Mr. Chen (46 years old, radiation technicians), who has become a citizen of Singapore in Wuhan, announced its opening up in China. He canceled a flight that originally scheduled to fly to Zhengzhou on the 7th and delayed departure one day."The original flight is expected to arrive at more than 9 pm on the 7th. I am worried that the local personnel will still insist on we isolation, so I wait until the 8th to depart."

He also said that a one -way ticket on Sunday was about 1,200 yuan (about S $ 234) than the day before, but he did not have to isolate for eight days after landing. He thought it was still worth paying for more money.