German media reported that the Chinese ambassador to Germany pointed out that the new strategy of Germany to China is dominated by "ideology", which reflects the Cold War thinking and will affect the cooperation between China and Germany.

According to Reuters Sunday (January 8), Chinese ambassador Wu Cheng said to the German Business Daily: "Reports I saw on the media, and talking to others about ChinaIt makes me feel very disturbed. The impression that this report (for China) is based on ideology, not based on the common interests of Germany and China. "

It is reported that Germany is planning to formulateA new strategy examines relations with China with a more calm attitude, and is determined to reduce its dependence on China.

Wu Shen said: "As far as I know, this report exaggerates the competition and confrontation between the two countries, which is completely inconsistent with reality. I also heard that certain values and human rights will become the future cooperation between the two countries.Prerequisites. "

Wu Cheng added that if this is true, this will set up obstacles to the future cooperation between the two countries."At least according to the first draft of the report, Germany will be closely coordinated with the" aspirations "allies in the future. This means that the German government will give up autonomy and fully follow the United States in terms of Chinese policy."

According to the German "internal guidance of China" that Reuters has seen last month, the planned measures for China, including German companies required to have contact with China to share business details with the government, and regularly receive pressure testing.

Wu Shen said: "The German government is finally contradictory. They always emphasize that they are not aspiring to confront different camps, but for me, they can smell the taste of suspected cold war thinking."