Wang Wei Wen

[email protected]

China Sunday (January 8) ended the "Class B Tube" epidemic prevention measures that have been implemented for nearly three years, and the clearing policy officially exited.The official media Xinhua News Agency published a long -character manner on the same day, disclosing the main reasons for the transition of China's epidemic prevention ideas. Two of them mentioned that in late November last year, some people reported that the "silence" management and "layer of layer" prevention and control issues in some people were mentioned.Cause high attention.

China Sunday has ended for nearly three years of strict crown disease prevention measures.The Xinhua News Agency published the "Epidemic" of the Wanzi Longwen Chinese War on the day -China has optimized the documentary on the prevention and control measures of the epidemic due to the situation, and summarizes and look forward to this milestone day.

The article pointed out that Chinese officials held a meeting of "extraordinary" Politburo Standing Committee on November 10 last year to make major decisions.Active optimization of the clear signal of prevention and control policies "shows that the senior management of the Communist Party of China began to make major adjustments at the time to respond to public opinion.

After 20 measures on November 11 last year, the article described "the complexity of this tough battle is not the same." In late November last year, some people reported that some regions "silent" management and "layer of oversupply" and other prevention such as prevention and other prevention of some regions and other preventionControl the problem and cause high attention.

Xinhua News Agency's documentary does not indicate, but the so -called problem reflected in the masses believes that it is a serious casualties caused by a high fire in the high -rise building of Urumqi residential houses on the evening of November 24, causing people in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou to protest against severe epidemic prevention.wave.

Qin Mengqi, a researcher at the Liberal Ministry of Population Health Science Center, Li Guang, Nanyang University of Technology, interpreted in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post. In fact, the official media's long article indirectly acknowledged that the fire of Urumqi promoted the accelerated history of clearing zero.She analyzed that the accident of Urumqi fire stimulated the self -rescue psychology of the public in the control, and subsequent protest demonstrations meant political risks.

Xinhua News Agency pointed out that the continuous impact of the three years of the epidemic, "complicated emotions such as fatigue, anxiety, and tension began to spread, and the cost of preventing epidemic prevention has increased."The article wrote that "China with more than 1.4 billion people, different people will have different demands, and they will have different views on the same thing." It is pointed out that extensive consensus consensus and scientific decisions will be the key to adjusting the control strategy.

Xinhua News Agency's long -term pointed out that Chinese officials presided over the meeting of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China on December 6 to provide a fundamental pointer for further optimization of epidemic prevention and control measures.Twenty measures are "inaccurate, inaccurate, etc.".

Chinese officials also held two -day central economic work conference on December 15th to emphasize the protection of medical medications for the masses, focusing on the prevention and control of the elderly and the basic disease group of the elderly and the basic disease group, and strive to health and prevent severe illnesses.

The article also says that China has reduced the coronary virus to the "Type B tube", which is a major decision -making based on the overall situation and comprehensive research and judgment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.significance.

The article also acknowledged that the drug reserves were not sufficient after the sharp loosening of the epidemic prevention, and some varieties of antipyretics and cold medicines were temporarily lacking.The "Class B tube" of the crown disease is implemented.

The article also said that the official quickly enhanced the output of relief thermal analgesic drugs, antigen detection test agents, and N95 masks. At the same time, it increased 31,000 severe beds in 12 days, and issued "healthy love packages" to people in difficulties.

The article finally quoted the Chinese official New Year's Day congratulatory saying that the epidemic prevention and control "still work hard and control", and called on the public to help each other and continue to persist.

Lu Xi, an assistant professor at the School of Public Policy of the National University of Singapore, said in an interview that in an interview, the chaos of the epidemic prevention in various parts of China had frequently increased the epidemic prevention in July the previous year, but the official has not actively acting for a long time, and the recent turns have been significantly large.Tocking epidemic prevention may make the public further feel that public policy is unpredictable and affects the credibility of the government.

Qin Mengqi evaluated that the Xinhua News Agency's article was cautious about the epidemic, because China was open under the situation, and did not transition to the clear planning of the post -Qing zero era.Determination.

(Reporter is a special agent in Chongqing in the Morning Post)