
Ji Yan Spring and Autumn

In order to cooperate with the second plenary session of the 20th Central Discipline Inspection Commission of the Communist Party of China on January 9, China Mainstream Officer Media CCTV will broadcast four episodes of anti -corruption TV in the golden period on January 7.The corruption of the senior officials exposed in the film is still shocking.

The protagonist of the first episode of the film is Fu Zhenghua, who was once the Minister of Justice.Fu in the film admits that this life is one thing, that is, being an official, as a biggest official, other things have to serve this goal.

Fu Zhenghua is a major member of the ministerial level, which can be described as his "ambition", but his promotion is not all relying on speculative battalions.He was born in an ordinary family. In his early years, he was only an ordinary investigator in the Beijing Public Security Bureau. He was appreciated by his boss by participating in the detection of many major cases.Deputy Director of the Bureau and Deputy Director of Beijing.

Fu Zhenghua, the deputy director of the Beijing Public Security Bureau in 2008, met Sun Lijun, a "noble".Speaking of. At that time, Sun Li was only 39 years old. He just served as the deputy director of the General Office of the Ministry of Public Security. The level was not higher than Fu Zhenghua. He was 14 years younger than Fu Zhenghua.However, Fu Zhenghua knew the importance of Sun Lijun, because Sun Lijun was the "big secret" of Meng Jianzhu, then Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu.

The special film introduces that Fu Zhenghua feels that Sun Lijun is at a young age as an important job, which is the upper relationship that he is anxious to make friends; and Sun Lijun has just arrived in Beijing to work, and his wings are not abundant.As soon as it was shot, Fu Zhenghua became an important member of Sun Li's military and political gang.

At that time, the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau was responsible for many important projects. Sun Lijun was not a member of the task force, but frequently participated in the meeting and even "made instructions."Fu Zhenghua went downstairs to welcome each time. He expressed his resolute implementation of Sun Lijun's "instructions". He also signed important matters according to Sun Lijun's opinion, and even submitted the materials to Sun Lijun to revise and review.

Sun Lijun and Fu Zhenghua, such as Sun Lijun and Fu Zhenghua, have seriously violated the CCP's organization principles and work discipline.Essence

Fu Zhenghua's respect and obedience to Sun Lijun really got great benefits.The film disclosed that from 2010 to 2017, with the active operation of Sun Lijun, Fu Zhenghua successively served as important positions such as the director of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Public Security, and Executive Deputy Minister.After Fu Zhenghua served as the deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security, he was the superior of Sun Lijun, who was still serving in the Ministry of Public Security.The strange things that are promoted by subordinates are not only between Fu Zhenghua and Sun Lijun.

In addition to Fu Zhenghua, Sun Lijun also helped promote Wang Like, member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Gong Daoan, Deputy Mayor of Shanghai and Director of Public Security, Deng Huilin, Deputy Mayor of Chongqing City, Director of Public Security, and Shanxi ProvinceFormer Deputy Governor, Public Security Director Liu Xinyun and so on.

In terms of promotion, Sun Lijun will certainly not be idle himself.In 2018, Sun Lijun became the youngest deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security.The official anti -corruption films broadcast in early 2022 revealed that the exchanges between Sun Lijun and these gang members were completely established on the basis of power, money, and power transactions.Sun Lijun also formulated a "fifteen -year plan" for himself, and strive for a step of five years.From the deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security to the top three steps, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security, Minister of Public Security and Secretary of the Central Political and Legal Committee of the Ministry of Public Security.

Although Fu Zhenghua was promoted to the executive deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security under the help of Sun Lijun, Fu Zhenghua did not intend to hang on Sun Lijun's "hanging on a tree."He also deliberately made other "big backgrounds", but encountered "political scammers" commonly used in officialdom.Among them, a technical secondary school graduate named Li Quan claimed that he was the "advanced think tank" around the leader. Fu Zhenghua leaned his head and was "stuck to death" by Li Quan.

Fu Zhenghua, Sun Lijun, and others are strongly pursuing the official position. Of course, they do not want to "serve the people", but to get rich and enjoy privileges.Officially disclosed that for many years, Fu Zhenghua has received 117 million yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 23.4 million), of which more than 80%occur after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012.Fu Zhenghua also occupied six houses in violation of regulations. In Beijing, a 700 -square -meter courtyard house, many relatives also used his power to profit.

Sun Lijun directly or through others illegally accepting property, a total of more than 646 million yuan.In the first half of 2018, Sun Lijun instructed relevant personnel to continue to buy and sell and sell the stock transaction price and transaction volume through concentrated capital advantages, helping others to avoid losses of more than 145 million yuan.

Zhang Xin, deputy director of Shandong Province, who regrets Fu Zhenghua in the special film, uses convenience in his position, and illegally accepts the property of more than 155 million yuan.Zhang Xinqi also bought a villa in Qingdao, the grandchildren and granddaughter who was only a few years old.

The official actively disclosed the corruption details of Fu Zhenghua and others before the Second Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, in order to emphasize that the CCP's anti -corruption struggle will always be on the road.It is expected that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection will reiterate the political determination of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, strict tone, strict measures, and strict atmosphere for a long time, and continue to severely punish corrupt elements who do not converge and do not converge since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

But the root cause of official corruption lies in the lack of supervision and checks and balances of power.How to strengthen the effectiveness of officials, especially the "first leaders" in the system, and reduce the space for power rent -seeking will still be a long -term problem that the CCP faces.