Interview Side

On Sunday (January 8) at 5 am, I followed the instructions of Shanghai Pudong Airport to the international passenger arrival channel.After arriving at the floor, you can no longer find a logo.

I was looking around, and an airport staff with a folding ladder stopped in front of me.He climbed up the ladder, facing a seemingly empty logo card, and began to tear up the stickers covered on it, and several large characters "International, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan arrived" were revealed a little bit.

I just reacted: The original identity has always been there, just because the area is not open to the public in the three years, so it has been covered.As China opened the border on Sunday, the long -sealing logo finally saw the day.

The first entry of Shanghai flight will take an hour to land. At this time, the entry channel is particularly quiet. Only several cleaning staff are busy back and forth.They wiped the glass and dragged the ground, trying to make this area look back three years ago.But looking down to see a long mark on the ground, I immediately remembered that here was originally a fence that was separated from the outside world from the outside world.

When entering Shanghai from Singapore in 2020, I walked through the blue fence through one -side levels after another, fill in one after another epidemic prevention form, accept the nasal cavity, throat, and blood drawing samples.The bus where to go is to a quarantine hotel that cannot be named.

Three years later, no one who entered China was wearing a protective suit, and no longer heard the sound of cough like a bird.Instead, it is the young father who holds flowers and dresses and waits for his girlfriend. He is the old father who welcomes the banner for his daughter.Among the first batch of lucky -free entry, some people bought air tickets half a year ago to prepare for being isolated; some people spend high prices to change their signing in order to catch up with the flight after the new policy.

The biggest difference is that when entering China three years ago, the tension and sorrow of the surrounding passengers were overflowing; and the passengers who entered the airport lobby this day had a clear look and joy in their expressions.They took three steps and two steps, and ran to relatives and friends who came to pick up the plane to send each other for a long -lost hug.The Pudong Airport on this day is the joy of joy and tears.

This joy in front of me made people feel that nothing changed in three years.But what is even more incredible is that this large country with a large population has been isolated from allowing people at home that allows crown diseases, to the epidemic to cross the peak, and then to reopening the border. So many things have happened in the same month.

Because of this, some Chinese people are worried that at this time to exempt from entry isolation, it will further upgrade the severe domestic epidemic.An uncle from Shanghai who came to pick up the plane responded indifferently: "What's so scared? Is there any serious domestic epidemic in the foreign epidemic?"

Another young girl who has just returned from the United States, gives a more optimistic answer: "This is a must -have.