(Beijing Comprehensive News) The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held in Beijing in the past weekend.Chinese officials emphasized that adhering to the Chinese Communist Party's absolute leadership of political and legal work, improving political standing and political judgment, while carrying forward the spirit of struggle, and fully fulfilling the maintenance of national political security and ensuring the stability of the overall social situation.

The Central Political and Law Conference was held for the first time by the new political and legal leaders of the Communist Party of China for the first time.According to Xinhua News Agency, the conference was held in the form of a television conference.Chen Wenqing, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and secretary of the Central Political and Legal Committee, conveyed Chinese official instructions and spoke at the meeting. Wang Xiaohong, Secretary of the Central Secretariat and Minister of Public Security, presided over the meeting. The director of the Supreme Court Zhou Qiang and Zhang Jun, the Supreme Prosecutor, attended the meeting.

It is reported that China officially emphasized that political and law work is an important part of the work of the Communist Party of China and the country.It is necessary to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the absolute leadership of the Chinese Communist Party of political and legal work, and improve political standing and political judgment, political understanding, and political execution.Chinese officials also said that they insist on carrying forward the spirit of struggle, strive to promote the modernization of political and legal work, fulfill their duties and missions of maintaining national political security, ensuring the stability of the overall social situation, promoting social fairness and justice.

Chen Wenqing said at the meeting that it resolutely implemented the important instructions of China's official political and legal work, and deeply understood the "two establishments" (the core position of the Chinese official party center, the core position of the party, and the establishment of the Chinese official new era of Chinese characteristics in the new era of Chinese characteristics.The decisive significance of the guiding position of the ideological thinking, adhere to the two major situations of domestic and international, adhere to the two major events of domestic and international situations, and fulfill their duties and mission.

Before the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in October last year, the five "police tigers" and "political and legal tigers" accused of participating in the "Sun Li Military Political Gang" were sentenced densely, and they were repeatedly sentenced, including the former deputy mayor of Shanghai.Gong Daoan, former director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Fu Zhenghua, former Minister of Justice of the Ministry of Justice of China.