Australian State Treasury Minister Chammer ( FamilyIt has "substantial impact" and is "close attention".Not According to Bloomberg, Chammer on Wedne> January 4 ) In an interview with Australian Broadcasting Corporation, "We do predict that China's labor force will face tremendous pressure and the supply chain is facing tremendous pressure. This will affect the global economy and we will not be spared."

SPAN> After abandoning the rigorous zero -epidemic zero policy in China, crown diseases in China surged.Some countries, including Australia, restrict Chinese tourists, Detect .Not Chammer said, > Australia is paying close attention to the impact of the supply chain that has been affected, and the impact of the crown disease infection will have the impact on the supply chain.Not关于供应链将在多大程度上受到影响,他说:“我们还没有一个精确数字。我们预计它将产生重大影响,但全面影响如何尚不清楚。”

> Australia's largest trading partner is China, and it is also one of the most developed economies in the world's most affected by China.Not Charmers said that the surge in China's crown disease is one of the risks that the global economy will face this year, and it is predicted that it will be "difficult" in 2023.