As the epidemic of crown diseases continues to heat up, the second dose of "strengthening the needle" on the agenda is on the agenda. The capital Beijing multi -district, Hangzhou, Guangzhou and other places have announced the launch of the "fourth shot" vaccination.

The China State Council ’s joint defense and control mechanism announced on December 14 to announce the second dose of the new crown virus vaccine to strengthen the implementation plan of immunization.The second dose of the crowd and the low immunity strengthened immune vaccination.

According to China News Service, the second dose of the second dose of the coronary vaccine was officially launched on December 15th to strengthen the immunization vaccination.

Dongcheng District said that infected with high -risk people who have strengthened immunization for more than six months, elderly people 60 and over, people with serious basic diseases and low immunization people, as well as vaccination with vaccinationPeople who are willing and comply with the second dose to strengthen immune vaccination conditions, and complete the second dose to strengthen immune vaccination as soon as possible.

Beijing Haidian District and Fengtai District have also announced on the 15th and 16th that the start of the second dose to strengthen immune vaccination for eligible people.

In addition to the capital Beijing, the community health service centers and crown vaccination points of the districts, counties (cities) community of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province have begun to provide second doses to strengthen immunization.

Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, announced on the 14th that the second dose of vaccine to strengthen immunization vaccination was announced, and 14,000 people were publicly recruited.Essence