Wu Zunyou, chief expert of epidemiology of the China Disease Prevention and Control Center, said on Saturday (December 17) that the time when the "New Ten Articles" policy was introduced in the past three years to report the lowest number of deaths worldwide every week.If the number of deaths caused by the global Omeck Rong's popularity, if the "New Ten Articles" advance to January 3 this year, China will cause 250,000 people to die.

According to the CCP, Wu Zunyou also said in the "Financial Annual Meeting 2023: Forecast and Strategy" that if the number of deaths in the United States Omikon is calculated, China will die of 1.038 million.If you count in Hong Kong, to the beginning of this year, more than 2 million people will die in mainland China.If Taiwan is used as a reference, to the beginning of this year, the mainland will die more than 866,000 people.

Wu Zunyou also said that the disease spectrum of crown diseases is divided into: asymptomatic, mild, normal, severe, critical illness, and death.The changes in China in the past three years are that the proportion of severe and critical illnesses has decreased from 16.47%in 2020 to 3.32%last year."As of December 5 this year, this year is 0.18%, which means that the proportion of severe and critical illnesses has declined year by year, and the mortality rate is gradually declining. This is the situation in China."

For protection measures, Wu Zunyou pointed out that first, prevent the occurrence of the epidemic "tsunami", strengthen needles, wearing masks, and keeping hand hygiene. Everyone must protect themselves."Many people ask me, which kind of vaccine is better? Is it better for the MRNA vaccine or a better protein vaccine? My suggestion, don't be too tangled with which vaccine is better.Okay. The most important thing is to strengthen the needle, so you do n’t take a reinforcement needle. "

Second, we must prevent the dyke dams from being "ruled", focusing on protecting the fragile crowds. People with elderly people at home and those with basic diseases must pay attention to protection.Drinking water, the condition must be medical treatment in time.Third, to prevent the storm of public opinion, everyone must do not make rumors, rumors, and rumors.