China ended the zero -epidemic prevention and clear restriction measures. After the number of diagnostic people increased sharply, economists of UBS and Australia and New Banks sharply amended the growth forecast of this and the Ming Dynasty.

According to Bloomberg, Wang Tao and other UBS economists wrote in a report on Friday (16th) that the company now predicts that China's GDP will increase by 2.7%this year, lower than the previous 3.1 before 3.1%.In 2023, the economic growth rate may rebound to 4.9%, higher than the 4.5%of the previous forecast.

UBS economists believe that the Chinese people may be very cautious about offline activities and take the initiative to reduce going out and gathering.As the first wave of infection passed, economic activities are expected to gradually recover from early 2023.

Australia and New Bank will reduce the year's forecast from 3%to 2.7%, and have adjusted the forecast of next year to 5.4%in November.

In view of the sudden change in China's epidemic prevention policy, other major banks such as Goldman Sachs also adjusted their expectations for this year and next year.The consensus on Bloomberg survey is estimated that the economy will increase by 4.8%next year, and this year will be 3.2%.According to people familiar with the matter, senior officials have discussed that the GDP growth target next year will be set at about 5%.