China continues to relax the control measures and control measures, and large -scale epidemic conditions have occurred in many places, and the medical system is facing a huge test.Henan Province announced that the province's health and health systems have canceled the holidays from now until March next year.

According to the "Elephant News" of Henan Radio and Television Station on Thursday (December 15), the medical institution, as the main battlefield of the epidemic prevention and control, has canceled the province's health and health system from the end of March next year.Holidays.At the same time, the medical treatment group at all levels implements daily scheduling and daily reports. The dean of medical institutions in charge of medical care and medical department should be on duty at the job 24 hours.

It is reported that Henan's medical system is already a first -class preparation state.The Henan government requires that grass -roots medical and health institutions must establish a ledger for high -risk people and conduct graded health monitoring according to different risk levels.Once the infection and aggravation tendencies are found, professional treatment will be performed immediately.

The government also proposes that the family doctor signed a file construction task before December 20th.Family doctors such as patients with sexually transmitted diseases signed a contract to establish a file to set up a card, incorporate the scope of the family doctor's contract service, and regularly follow up.