Chinese chief epidemic prevention scientist Zeng Guang said that he believes that crown diseases will eventually be included in China Class C infectious diseases.

According to the Life Times, Chinese public health and epidemiological experts Zeng Guang said at the Global Times Annual Meeting Life Health Forum that crown disease is a new term defined in the pre -paragraph of epidemiology.It does not necessarily use it for a period of time, such as big data, time and space associated data, silent, etc.

He also said that he believes that crown diseases will eventually be included in Class C infectious diseases and monitors according to class C.At that time, Chinese society focused on the monitoring of the entire disease, monitoring the trend, mutation, and drug resistance of the disease, and at the same time rescued the critical patients.

According to the China Infectious Disease Prevention Law, Chinese infectious diseases are divided into category A, B and C.Class A infectious disease refers to plague and cholera.Class B infectious diseases include infectious atypical pneumonia, AIDS, and viral hepatitis.Class C infectious diseases include epidemic colds, epidemic mumps, rubella, etc.