(Beijing Comprehensive News) With the relaxation of the control measures of the epidemic in China, the focus of the policy has shifted to promote economic growth, and the Chinese government introduced the outline of the strategic planning of domestic demand.It is also a strategic decision to promote China's long -term development and long -term security.

According to Xinhua News Agency on Wednesday (December 14), the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council of the Chinese State recently issued the expansion of the strategic planning outline of the domestic demand (2022 to 2035).In the international environment, we must firmly implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand, accurately grasp the laws of domestic market development, release domestic demand potential, play a role in domestic demand stimulating, build a stronger domestic market, promote the stable and healthy economy, and sustainable development.


outline proposes that for the long -view goal of 2035, comprehensively considering the development environment and development conditions, the main goal of implementing the strategy of expanding the domestic demand during the period of "14th Five -Year Plan" (2021 to 2025) isBreakthrough; improve the distribution pattern, the potential of domestic demand is continuously released; improve the quality of supply, and the domestic demand is better satisfied; improve the market system to stimulate the obvious results of domestic demand; unblocking the economic cycle, the efficiency of domestic demand development has continued to improve.


outline points out that the main problems faced by China in the medium and long -term expansion of domestic demand include insufficient effective supply capabilities, large distribution gaps, low degree of modernization of circulation systems, inadequate consumption system mechanisms, and optimization of investment structures., Focusing on the key tasks of promoting high -quality development deployment.

Outline also proposes eight aspects of comprehensive promotion of consumption, optimizing investment structure, promoting coordinated development of urban and rural areas, improving the quality of supply, improving the modern market and circulation system, deepening reform and opening up, solidly promoting common prosperity, and improving security and security capabilities.27 items and 82 task requirements.

Wang Jun, director of the China Chief Economist Forum, said in an interview with China News Agency that in the face of the current domestic and foreign situation changes and the irresistible international environment, China emphasizes that "dual -cycle" is basedA active choice of changes in the domestic situation. The more international the international environment is, the more we must insist on expanding domestic demand.