Yang Rongwen, former Foreign Minister of Singapore, said that the multi -pole world pattern is beneficial to China. China should release more goodwill when negotiating with other countries. At the same time, it is shown to the United States.The process of turning to the multi -pole structure is smoother and peaceful.

Yang Rongwen's lecture on Wu Qingrui at the East Asia Research Institute of Singapore's National University East Asia on Thursday (December 15th) delivered a speech on the topic of China in the multi -polarized world.

This year is the 25th anniversary of the East Asia Research Institute, and Yang Rongwen is also the opening guest of the think tank institution.

Yang Rongwen sorted out the historical process of China's interaction with the world in a speech for more than an hour, and tells how the United States has risen to become a world power after World War II and the process of dominating globalization.

He said that the United States is worried that the rise of China is not because of the concerns that China will become a global hegemon, but to worry that China will participate in the establishment of a multi -pole world that is not used to the United States.The war in Ukraine may accelerate the arrival of the polar world, which has led to the loss of the United States.

Yang Rongwen believes that the polar world is not necessarily a bad thing for the United States, but it helps to extend the advantage of the United States in the world.He pointed out that there are many aspects of multi -pole world, including politics, military, economic and cultural, etc. "As long as the United States has more fine behavior, it is irreplaceable at all levels."

Yang Rongwen suggested that the United States should not try to change other countries according to its own ideas. Instead of seeking a dominant position in many fields around the world, it is better to concentrate in the field of political and military forces that can play a decisive role.More beneficial.

South China Sea as an example. Yang Rongwen believes that if the United States wants to help Asia, "action cannot be too rushing."

Regardless of whether the United States is happy or not, many countries tends to show their independence

Yang Rongwen suggested that when the U.S. warship sails in the South China Sea, it is delicately staying outside the sight and the radar reconnaissance range. Asiabean can hold chips when negotiating with China.Conversely, if the U.S. ships are in sight, the South China Sea will become a competing arena in China and the United States, and China's attitude towards Asia will also change from good.

Yang Rongwen also said that no matter whether the United States is happy or not, other countries and regions will show their independence on the international stage.For example, Iran may soon join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. After Saudi Arabia's official visit to China, it is expected to be a member of the next BRICS country.

Yang Rongwen said: "The United States has to update itself as a lighthouse in the world, moving towards a multi -pole world, which is more likely to make it goal than preventing the arrival of a multi -pole world."

But the current strategy adopted by the United States is still the advantage of maintaining its dominant single -pole hegemony.Yang Rongwen pointed out that the United States regards Russia as an enemy and regards China as a strategic competitor, showing that it is determined to use Western alliances to maintain its global dominant position.

Yang Rongwen questioned the effectiveness of the above strategy, and the rear power generated is that the internal differences of the American society may expand, and may even lead to the turning of the United States to isolation, which will cause great damage to the stability of the world.

China is the opposite of the United States. It prefers the polar world and thinks it is an unavoidable pattern.Yang Rongwen said that China ’s attitude towards the current Western alliance is to divide the country to distinguish their own interests."The Chinese believe that the lasting friendship relationship is finally based on mutual benefit and long -term interests, not just common values."

It is very difficult for China to become the leader of the single system

Yang Rongwen said that China is accustomed to governing the country in multi -pole world in history because it must deal with many neighboring countries.It is very difficult for China to become the leader of a single system, and incorporating outsiders will affect the homogeneity of Chinese society.Therefore, China tends to use economic leverage instead of military means to deal with near -neighborhoods.

The multi -pole world is good for China. Yang Rongwen has called on China to contribute more to make the world smoother and peaceful to the multi -polar pattern.

He said that China's usual negotiation method is half of the two sides.He believes that China Baya has a stronger and stronger country. In the negotiations of the South China Sea Conduct, it should be allowed to make Six Six points in Asia, instead of half of each.Yang Rongwen praised the former Prime Minister Zhu Rongji with a strategic pattern. In the negotiations of the free trade agreement between China and Asia, China agreed to allow Yajia'an's agricultural products and minerals to enter China with zero tariffs.

Yang Rongwen also said that China should persuade the United States with action and agree that the multi -pole world that China is conceived is also good for the United States."Chinese officials should avoid excessive self -righteousness, and less lips (revealing dissatisfaction) when responding to criticism. Moom or help."

The polarization of the United States is becoming more and more serious.Yang Rongwen concluded that whether the United States can take the lead in the multi -pole world depends on how its internal political disputes end.

He said that China should try to avoid being involved in it and show that China is "willing to accept the United States as the head of peers in multi -world."