China continues to relax the control of crown disease epidemic control measures, and in response to the relatively insufficient health and health service resources in rural areas, and the increase in population flow during the festival, the government has issued a guidance plan to strengthen the health prompts and medical care of the returnees and medical careGuarantee service, etc.

According to the notice issued by the official website of the China National Health and Health Commission on Friday (December 16), the China State Council joint prevention and control mechanism has issued a plan to strengthen the prevention and control and health service plan for rural areasIn the current situation, do a good job of preventing and controlling and health services for epidemics to ensure that the returnees returning to the countryside during the New Year's Day and the Spring Festival in 2023 obtain basic medical and health services in a timely manner to ensure the health and life safety of the masses.

The scheme is clear that all localities should match the medical guarantee and health service resources according to the situation of the epidemic conditions, the severity of the disease, and the degree of urgency, highlight the management of key groups, guide the needs of diagnosis and treatment in an orderlyHealth and health services protect the physical health and life safety of rural residents to the greatest extent.

For returnees, the plan requires the township governments and villagers' committees to pay attention to grasping relevant information in time, prompting health monitoring, and standardizing wearing masks in the early days of returning to reducing the combined basic nature with the elderly, especially the elderly in the family,The contact of the disease.At the same time, rural medical personnel in the township toilet or village hospitals should provide necessary health consulting, health monitoring, antigen detection, medication guidance and other services to return to the country with the symptoms of coronary disease.

The scheme points out that the service of key groups in rural areas should be strengthened, and the health of the elderly, pregnant women, lonely elderly, and left -behind children in the village group should be found in the village group.The service responsibility of the treatment of observer, especially for the elderly and disabled people who lack self -health management capabilities, to assist them in health monitoring and timely feedback to rural medical institutions.At the same time, infected people with high risk of severe diseases such as old -age merging of basic diseases must be discovered and treated in a timely manner, and the "green channels" are clear and unblocked to refer to the referral efficiency.

The plan also emphasizes that it is necessary to accelerate the promotion of rural population, especially the elderly, vaccine vaccination, implement the previous work plan for strengthening the seedlings of the elderly, adhere to the principle of "should be connected", adhere to the government leader, department, and departmental departmentsThe linkage and village group mobilization will be implemented to implement the responsibility of territorial management, accelerate the rate of vaccination rates of people aged 80 and above in rural areas, and continue to increase the population vaccination rate of people aged 60 to 79 and other ages.The rural medical and health institutions that undertake the task of vaccination shall be facilitated to provide convenience by setting up the green passage of the elderly or arranging the flowing vehicle to go to the village to enter the village to facilitate the maximum extent.

The plan proposes that medical and health institutions at all levels must cooperate with the role of medical and health institutions in rural areas of rural medical and health institutions.To do a good job in the health services of rural residents, family doctors sign the service to achieve full coverage of key groups.

In response to the strengthening of work guarantee, the plan requirements continue to play a good role in the joint prevention and control mechanism, and the epidemic prevention and control mechanism at all levels play a coordination and coordination, organizational dispatch, publicity and guidance, etc.The department coordinates and cooperates, highlighting the focus of the new situation and the work of the new stage. In terms of funds, manpower, resources, technology, facilities, etc., it will increase the support for medical and health services in rural areas to respond to epidemics.

The plan also proposes to ensure the manpower equipment of rural medical and health institutions, strengthen the reserves of necessary medicines and antigen testing kits in the county, strengthen equipment configuration and medical and health information technology, and strengthen publicity and education, care about the first -line work of the countrysidePersonnel and medical staff requirements.