Affected by the cold wave of cold waves, a strong cooling weather appeared on Thursday (December 15th), Daxing'an Ridge, Daxing'an Ridge, Daxing'an Ridge, which is known as "China's coldest town", appeared. The lowest temperature reached -42.2 ° C, ushered inThe coldest day since winter.

According to the China News Agency, the relevant person in charge of the Meteorological Bureau of Huzhong District said that at 5:42 on Thursday, the lowest temperature in the Hoyuan Automatic Monitoring Station in Huzhong District reached -42.2 ° C, refreshing the local area this yearThe lowest temperature value since winter.

The person in charge also said that the minimum temperature of Hohzyin District will continue to remain around -40 ° C in the next 3 days, and the meteorological department has issued a notice to remind tourists and local residents to pay attention to cold protection and warmth.

Hohun District is located at the northern foot of the Yiller Mountains in Daxinganling, with an average annual temperature of -4.3 ° C, and the lowest temperature in the urban history reaches -53.2 ° C. There are more than 30 days below -40 ° C each year.Only 83 days.

According to reports, in recent years, Hoh Central District has held a strong ice and snow industry around the extremely cold experience, and has organized activities such as "ice and snow through the top of Xing'an" and "Extreme Cold Test"."Hot Economy".