South Korea is carefully considering the establishment of the new leadership team of China.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, Park Zhen, the chief of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea on Monday (October 24), attended the comprehensive monitoring meeting of the Congress of the Congress of Foreign Affairs.Questions responded that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was carefully considering the power generation congratulations to the establishment of China's new leadership team.

It is reported that former South Korean President Lee Mingsbo congratulated Xi Jinping to congratulate Xi Jinping in 2012 and congratulate him in the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Government.Congratulations to him for re -election at the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China at the 19th National Congress.

South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials said in an previous interview that the South Korean government will work with the new Chinese leadership team to continue to work hard to develop more stable and mature Korean -China relations based on mutual respect and mutual benefit.

For the possibility of Yin Xiyue and Xi Jinping's offline meeting, Park Zhen said that it is expected that Xi Jinping may attend the 20th G20 (G20) summit in Indonesia next month, as well as) 29th leders' informal meeting.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea is studying the schedule of related multilateral meetings. It is expected that leaders of the two countries will meet at convenience and appropriate time.

As for whether the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea plans to take the opportunity to promote Xi Jinping's visit to South Korea, Park Zhen said that it will take into account factors such as the two countries' diplomatic itineraries and communicate with China on related matters.