The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China ended, Zhao Chunshan, chief consultant of the Taiwan Asia -Pacific Foundation, pointed out that Chinese officials will strive to catch the dominance of cross -strait relations in the United States in the future, but this does not necessarily go to the direction of war.

Zhao Chunshan emphasized that relations between mainland China and the United States must be from competition to confrontation. Taiwan must think about whether to be a horses who have stopped the rise of the mainland in the United States, or should it be an indispensable role in the process of participating in the revival of the Chinese nation?

The "National Policy Research Foundation" of the Kuomintang Think Tank in Taiwan held a symposium on the "20th National Congress on the CPC's diplomacy and cross -strait policies and the impact of cross -strait policies and the Taiwan policy" on Monday.

Zhao Chunshan said that in the past, the mainland said that cross -strait relations must firmly grasp the dominance and initiative, but in fact the dominant power is in the hands of the United States. It was not until the early August of this year that Perosi visited Taiwan's visit to Taiwan.Chinese officials have mentioned that "the Chinese people want the Chinese to solve it." After the 20th National Congress, the CCP will definitely catch the initiative and initiative of cross -strait relations.

Recently, the United States has continuously released the two sides of the Taiwan Strait in recent years, and even said that the mainland will hit Taiwan this year. Zhao Chunshan said that the information in this area is all from the West.

Mainland friends asked him: "Why are you always talking about fighting? It is not you determined if you fight or not fight. When did you fight, it is not determined by you, but why not avoid the war? Why do both sides of the strait must fight?"He said that the mainland would definitely be prepared for combat," but the goal of combat may not be targeted at Taiwan. "

Chinese official reports in the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China stated that they will not give up the use of force. Zhao Chunshan specially points out that the CCP leaders have never said that they must use force to attack Taiwan.Only moving the martial arts.

Zhao Chunshan emphasized that as long as the mainland does not give up the rise and adheres to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the United States will not give up dominating world order, and the two sides will continue to confront.Therefore, Taiwan must choose to be the unable or missing role in the United States to curb the rise of China's rise, or to participate in the process of the Chinese nation's rejuvenation.

He said that although most people in Taiwan want to maintain the status quo, the international objective environment is no longer allowed to uniformly uniformly.

"The Communist Party has written anti -independence to the party constitution. If the DPP continues to be in power and does not give up the Taiwan independence party, there is no possibility of negotiation and reconciliation between the people.Perhaps because the election is unwilling to make a statement, but the Kuomintang has no obstacles to talk about it. When you do n’t know, you do n’t know, but as long as you talk, you can at least fight for peace. So you should tell the facts and decide by the people of Taiwan. "

Lin Zujia, director of the Kuomintang Mainland Affairs Department of the Kuomintang, mainly pointed out from an economic perspective that the global economic and trade structure is facing tremendous changes, including the deterioration of US -China relations, and the infertility of the mainland. In particular, the United States has many restrictions on the mainland technology, which not only affects the mainland itself.Technological progress also affects the exports of other countries' technology products in mainland China.This will inevitably affect Taiwan's exports to the mainland, and further affects the problem of cross -strait industrial chain integration. It will have a long -term and far -reaching impact on cross -strait economic and trade relations.

He said in the Lianhe Morning Post asking questions that the Kuomintang's 2024 presidential candidate was not sure, and the Kuomintang's mainland policy would be different from the candidates.