(Guangzhou / Beijing Comprehensive News) The multi -point exfoliation of the Chinese crown disease has continued. The primary and secondary schools in Guangzhou have suspended next teaching due to the epidemic.It caused the outside world to worry about this southern manufacturing center that may be disturbed by epidemic prevention measures.

Comprehensive Bloomberg and Caixin.com reported that there were three announcements in Haizhu District, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, and continuously upgraded the control measures and control measures. Among them, the early morning of Monday proposed that from Monday to Wednesday, primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in the region were suspended from Monday to Wednesday.Back to school and offline teaching, the whole district has suspended the food.

According to the Guangzhou Municipal Health and Health Commission, 69 positive infection cases were added on October 23, of which no infected people lived in Haizhu District.

In addition, Guangzhou Baiyun District has suspended the school and kindergarten to return to school and offline teaching since Monday. The district has been suspended from October 19th.Sunday has been suspended from the business of eating and entertainment venues.

Guangzhou is one of the central cities in the southern manufacturing industry in China. The epidemic control measures have caused the outside world to worry about the stability of the industrial chain supply chain.

Since October, there have been rebounds in many places in China. According to the release of the National Health and Health Commission of China, 1028 local positive cases were added on October 23 on October 23, distributed in Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Guangdong, Shaanxi, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, Beijing, Henan, Hunan, Anhui and other provinces and cities.