The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Follow -up

Director Jiang Jinquan, director of the CPC Central Committee Policy Research Office, said that China must adhere to economic construction as the center to make cakes bigger, but at the same time, it is necessary to arrange the cake through a reasonable institutional arrangement., Prevent polarization.

Jiang Jinquan, director of the Policy Research Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, said on Monday that it should make cakes before promoting common prosperity. "Only by making cakes can the cake be divided."This conversation believes that it is intended to appease the market, and it is concerned that China may adjust the policy priority and further slow down economic development after the 20th National Congress.

Jiang Jinquan also said that China must adhere to economic construction as the center to make cakes bigger, but at the same time, it is necessary to cut the cake through reasonable institutional arrangements to prevent polarization from differentiation.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a press conference on Monday (October 24). The six CCP officials attended the introduction and interpreted the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. At the meeting, they also focused on topics such as wealth, modern Chinese -style modernization, and anti -corruption.

The specifications of this conference are higher than the 19th National Congress of 2017; the interpretation of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China five years ago was held in the name of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.This is also the first time that officials of the Central Office participated in the Conference of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

In response to "making bigger economic cakes faster" or "ensuring the fair distribution of economic cakes", it should be given priority. Jiang Jinquan said that promoting common prosperity must solve the relationship between making cakes and cakes.The cake can be talked about to the cake, so in terms of logical relationship, it should be made of cake first. Only by making cakes can the cake be divided. "

Jiang Jinquan evaluation, achieving common prosperity is a long -term historical process.Create and accumulate social wealth.This shows that economic construction and development may still occupy a higher position in policy priority.However, Jiang Jinquan also said that China must improve the system and gradually reduce the gap between income distribution. It is not necessary to wait until it develops to solve the problem of the rich and poor.

Sun Yeli, deputy minister of the Central Propaganda Department, also evaluated that we were wealthy "impossible to achieve overnight."He reiterated that common prosperity is not a bias, nor is it a problem of robbing the rich and poverty.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China officially proposed Chinese -style modernization; this concept is composed of five characteristics, and "the modernization of all people's wealth" is one of them.The amendments to the Communist Party Constitution, which were passed at the closing meeting of the 20th National Congress, also included the content of the party constitution also included "the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese -style modernization" and "gradually realizing the common prosperity of all people."

CCP officials shouted to market confidence on Monday on Monday.Jiang Jinquan evaluates that the Chinese economy has slowed down from the past few years, but "the overall situation is good, and the future expectations are strong. Everyone should have confidence in China's economy."

Macro data released on Monday shows that China's third quarter GDP increased by 3.9 % year -on -year, the growth rate was higher than market expectations, driving the GDP increase of 3 % in the first three quarters of this year, but still far below the official 5.5 % goal.

Jiang Jinquan said that China should focus on stabilizing the macroeconomic market and maintain a good momentum of economic development.College graduates and other young employment issues, "This is the prerequisite for advancing the common prosperity of all people."

Secretary -General of the Central Political and Legal Committee: Bringing "Strike" illegal crime

For the outside world worrying about the export of "Chinese -style modernization" in China, Sun Yeli said that China does not output the Chinese model and will not require other countries to copy China. However, China does not enter other countries.The pattern is imposed to China.

On the other hand, in response to grass -roots social governance, Chen Yixin, Secretary -General of the Central Political and Legal Committee, said that it is necessary to work hard on the "blow" to crack down on the people's most prominent illegal crimes, always maintain a high -pressure situation, and insist on "showing up""Fighting early" to protect the safety of the people's lives and property.

Since the beginning of this year, incidents such as Xuzhou Iron Chain Girl, Tangshan Barbecue Store, Henan Village Bank and other incidents have occurred and aroused a wave of public opinion tsunami.

Chen Yixin said that we must work hard on "resolution".Further unblocking and standardizing the public's demands, coordination of interests, and channels for rights protection of rights and interests, "do not go out of the village, do not go out of town, and conflict."