Chinese official media said that observing Chinese economic data can not only be seen for a while.Raising China's economic development is an important indicator, but it is not the only indicator.

The Economic Daily published a comment article on "Jin Guanping" on Tuesday (October 25), entitled to observe that the Chinese economy cannot be seen for a while.

The article states that in the first two months of this year, China's economic operation is better than expected. In March, due to the international environmental changes and the impact of the domestic epidemic, the main economic indicators fell, especially the economic operation in the second quarter was extremely unusual.The super -expected factors brought a serious impact, and the main economic indicators fell sharply in April.

The article states that data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China shows that China's economy resumed in the third quarter, which is obviously better than the second quarter.From 0.4%in the second quarter to 3.9%in the third quarter, China's economy has undergone another "pressure test", showing strong toughness.

The article wrote that the wind should be available for a long time, and observing that Chinese economic data cannot be seen for a while.It is an important indicator to measure China's economic development, but it is not the only indicator. It must be seen through the phenomenon to see the essence and see a big logic trend from short -term fluctuations.The scientific analysis of the Chinese economy depends on whether the direction of this large ship is correct, whether the power is strong, and whether the potential is abundant.There will be a large bumps in the sea in the sea, but this is a problem in advance. China is confident to solve these problems in development.

The article says that at present, the world's unreparable changes have accelerated the evolution. Such a big change is not a momentary, a change in one country, one country, but the changes of the world, the changes of the times, and the changes of history.The risks and challenges that China need to respond, and the contradictions and problems that need to be resolved are more complicated than before.The new voyage of Chinese economic ships can be described as rushing and surging.

The article says that the way forward is never a frank road.It is necessary to enhance the awareness of anxiety, adhere to the bottom line of thinking, and make a plan for being safe and having ahead. It is also necessary to see that despite the significantly increased difficulties and challenges facing economic operation, China's economic toughness, sufficient potential, and extensive room for long -term good areas.Noodles will not change, and development is still in a period of important strategic opportunities.China has the foundation, conditions, confidence, and capable of maintaining the stable and healthy and sustainable development of the economy.

During the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese official last Tuesday (October 18) rarely postponed the release of a series of economic indicators such as the domestic GDP (GDP), which caused the market to worry about it.The three -quarter economic performance is not good.However, the data released on Monday (October 24) showed that the year -on -year growth rate of GDP growth in the third quarter was a significant rebound from 0.4 % in the second quarter, which also driven the GDP growth rate from 2.5 % to 3 % in the first half of the year.

Two weeks ago, the International Monetary Fund will further reduce China's economic growth from 3.3 % to 3.2 % this year, far lower than the 5.5 % growth target set by Chinese officials at the beginning of the year.The General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping last Sunday (October 23) led the new Politburo Standing Committee Member to meet with the media that the fundamentals of China's economy "strong toughness, sufficient potential, and virginity, and long -term fundamentals will not change.