Li Qiang, a member of the Political Bureau of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, who is expected to be the Prime Minister of China, and Li Qiang, Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, will be held immediately after returning to Shanghai on Monday (October 24), requiring the city's party organizations to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and further enhance further enhancementSupporting the "two establishment" of China's official authority.On the same day, Cai Qi, secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, also held a meeting to emphasize that learning, propaganda and implementation of the 20th spirit is the primary political task of the city.

Li Qiang was elected as a member of the Politburo at the Political Bureau at the 20th Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee on Sunday (October 23), ranking second within the party, indicating that the official Chinese official Zhejiang Ministry will take over Li Keqiang as the Prime Minister of the State Council.The next day in Shanghai, the city's party members were responsible for the cadre meeting, and Li Qiang, who also met with Chinese and foreign media in Beijing the day before, was chaired.

Li Qiang emphasized in his speech that the city must adhere to the guidance of the ideological ideas of Chinese characteristics in the new era of Chinese characteristics, and further enhance loyalty to support the "two establishment" (establish the core of the Chinese official Party Central Committee and the core position of the entire party,The ideological consciousness, political consciousness, and actions of establishment of China's official new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics) quickly emerged quickly to learn and promote the implementation of the 20th spirit of the Communist Party of China, and fully promote the implementation of the 20th spirit in Shanghai.

He said that the new era of the CCP and the country of China can achieve historic achievements, historic changes, defeat various risk challenges and stormy waves.Essence

Yuan Jiajun and Chen Minle or Shanghai "first leader" candidate

For this reason, Li Qiang proposed to deeply understand the decisive significance of "two establishment", and resolutely achieve "two maintenance" (the core of maintaining the Chinese official party center, the core position of the entire party, and maintaining the Chinese official as the core as the coreThe Party Central Committee's authority and centralized unified leadership), "more firmly in ideology, distinctiveness in politics, and following closely in action."

Li Qiang requires that party organizations at all levels in the city must conscientiously organize and thoroughly arrang them with "high sense of political responsibility and mission", and focus on the study, propaganda and implementation of the 20th spirit, and "rapidly emerging in the whole society."In addition, we must conscientiously compare the clear tasks of the Communist Party of China with a clear task, "effectively penetrate the party's 20th spirit into the entire process and reflect all aspects."

With Li Qiangsheng's "two leaders" of the Communist Party of China, Shanghai's "first leader" position is expected to be transferred within the year.Yuan Jiajun, member of the New Political Bureau, Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, and Chen Minle, Secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee, are regarded as a candidate for the mayor of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee.

Beijing also held a meeting of leading cadres in the city on the same day to convey the study and implementation of the 20th spirit.Cai Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, emphasized that learning, propaganda and implementation of the 20th spirit is the priority of the city's priority at present and in the future.