The New Politburo Standing Committee will be on Sunday (October 23rd (October 23) See Chinese and foreign journalists at noon.

According to the Chinese official news agency Xinhua News Agency on Saturday (October 22), the Chinese government's 20th Central Committee's first plenary meeting will be selected for the first meeting of the Central Political Bureau.The Chinese and foreign reporters of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China met.

By then, China Central Radio and Television Station and Xinhuanet will be broadcast live; the main frequency, main channels, news websites, new media platforms, and some national outdoor screens and mobile television are broadcast simultaneously.

The Twenty Closing Session of the Communist Party of China was held in the Great Hall of the People today (October 22), and the official closing meeting of Chinese officials.

The conference will elect the new Central Committee and the Central Discipline Inspection Commission on the closing.More than 2,300 representatives raised their hands and passed the amendment to the Communist Party Constitution at the closing meeting.