Beijing Tuesday (October 18) adds 34 cases of confirmed cases, which is a new high in four months.Beijing official said that there are many transmission chains in the Beijing epidemic, which is severe and complicated to prevent and control the situation.

The official WeChat account of the Municipal Health and Health Commission reported that from 00:00 on October 18th to 24:00, 34 newly confirmed cases of the soil and eight symptoms of non -symptoms were added in Beijing.In addition, three new overseas input confirmed cases and three asymptom inputs overseas input.NotIt is said that it is necessary to compact the "Quartet responsibility", especially dense places such as schools, supermarkets, catering and other personnel.Implement dynamic management.NotIt is emphasized that nucleic acid testing should be checked and not leaked, and the prevention and control measures such as scanning code measurement and inspection of nucleic acid negative certificates are strictly implemented.NotRemind home isolation, home health monitoring personnel and their same residents, strictly at home, do not leave home, do a good job of health monitoring, once symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, and sense of smell of smell.Cooperate with corresponding control measures.