Xin Guobin, deputy minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that China and Indonesia are both developed countries and have a broad space for industrial cooperation.

According to the China News Agency, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China on Tuesday (November 28) that Xin Guobin on Monday (November 27) in Jakarta and Indonesia's Industrial Safety, regional and international industrial access in the Ministry of Industry of the Ministry of Industry in Jakarta and IndonesiaThe chief director Aico held a talk and attended the signing ceremony of the cooperation book signing of the Indonesian Ministry of Industry and the Chery Indonesian Company.

Xin Guobin said that China and Indonesia are both developed countries and important emerging economies, and industrial cooperation space is broad.

Xin Guobin said that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China attaches great importance to China -Indonesia's industrial cooperation and is willing to actively promote the implementation of the industrial cooperation memorandum signed by the two sides under the witness of the leaders of the two countries in September this year to encourage and support the two countriesIn accordance with the principle of mutual benefit and win -win, the enterprise has a pragmatic cooperation in industrial fields such as new energy vehicles, aviation, raw materials, etc., so that the achievements of technological innovation will better benefit the people of the two countries.

Xin Guobin also investigated Indonesian Chinese -funded automobile manufacturers and held a symposium on Chinese -funded Chinese -funded auto enterprises to promote the strengthening of China ’s Asian car industry cooperation.