Pan Gongsheng, president of the People's Bank of China, said that the central bank has firmly maintained the status of Hong Kong's international financial center and supports Hong Kong to build a financial technology hub in the Asia -Pacific region.

According to the official website of the People's Bank of China, Pan Gongsheng made the above statements at the Hong Kong Financial Administration -International Clearance Bank's high -level meeting on Tuesday (November 28).

Pan Gongsheng at the meeting, sharing his views on China's economic situation, monetary policy, the opening of the financial industry, participating in international financial governance, and Hong Kong as an international financial center.

When it comes to the unique advantages of the Hong Kong International Financial Center, Pan Gongsheng said that Hong Kong is a major international financial center in the world.Advantages, sound legal system and international financial supervision system.

He pointed out that Hong Kong is not only the world's largest offshore RMB market, but also Asia's largest asset management center, private wealth management center, and the second largest hedge private equity fund hub.

Pan Gongsheng emphasized that the People's Bank of China firmly maintains Hong Kong's international financial center status and firmly supports Hong Kong's financial stability."We will continuously optimize the cross -border RMB business policy system, strengthen the function of Hong Kong's international asset management centers and risk management centers, and support Hong Kong to build a financial technology hub and sustainable financial center in the Asia -Pacific region."

About the Chinese economyThe situation, Pan Gongsheng said that the situation of continuous recovery of China's economy and rising overall recovery has become more obvious.China's GDP (GDP) has increased by 5.2%year -on -year in the first three quarters, and it is expected to achieve a 5%economic growth goal throughout the year.

Pan Gongsheng also said that the current total GDP in China has exceeded 12.0 trillion yuan (about S $ 22 trillion), which is about $ 18 trillion (about S $ 24 trillion).The huge base determines that the Chinese economy is difficult to maintain a high -speed growth of 8 to 10%per year as before.

He also said that China is undergoing the transformation of economic growth model.Excessive dependence on infrastructure and real estate investment in traditional growth models may achieve higher growth rates in the short term, but it will also solidify structural contradictions and sustainable damage growth.High -quality and sustainable development are more important. China must pay more attention to economic structural adjustments and cultivate new growth points.