Ye Wenjuan, director of the Hong Kong Chief Executive Office, led more than 30 deputy directors and political assistants to Beijing and Nanjing to participate in the national affairs training courses and inspections.

According to Ming Pao, Ye Wenjuan said when he met with the media before departure on Sunday (November 19) that this time this time the Hong Kong government took office for the first time to hold a national affairs training course for political appointment officials, it was also over the years.The largest scale.

She said that the deputy director and political assistant are an important part of government governance and talent steps. I hope that through this course, they can deepen their awareness of national policies and development in mainland China, as well as the mainland of the mainland, and the mainland of the mainland.And Hong Kong's current situation and challenge.

When asked how to deal with the deputy director and the political assistant while going to the mainland, Ye Wenjuan said that whether the political commissioned officials are the same team as the director, deputy director or political assistant. Although they are not in Hong Kong, they are not in Hong Kong.It must be concerned about Hong Kong and closely contact the civil servant team to deal with the official duties.