Wohua Pharmaceutical, known as "Buffett, China"Chairman Zhao Bingxian was surveyed and investigated, and the company said that normal production and operation was not affected.

Comprehensive Securities Times Network and China Fund reported that Shandong Wahua Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as Wahua Pharmaceutical) announced on Monday (November 6) in the evening.Ren Zhao Bingxian was taken to take control measures to cooperate with the Supervision Commission's organs to assist in the investigation.

The announcement did not disclose the reason for Zhao Bingxian, but the company clearly stated that the matters involved had nothing to do with the company. As of the date of the announcement, the company did not receive a notice from relevant agencies or received any assistance to investigate investigation.EssenceThe above matters will not have a significant impact on the company's normal production and operation.

At the level of corporate governance, Wahua Pharmaceutical said that other directors, supervisors and executives are normal on the job. The company has a comprehensive governance structure and business process. Zhao Bingxian's retention time will not affect the board of directors in accordance with the law.At present, the daily management is responsible for the executive team, and it has made proper arrangements for related matters, and various businesses are steadily promoting.

Public information shows that Zhao Bingxian was born in Beijing in November 1963 and graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University with a master's degree in finance.Zhao Bingxian has experienced experience in investing, mergers and acquisitions, reorganization, and business management in the past 30 years. He has helped many companies to successfully list and was called "China's Buffett" by the Wall Street Journal.

Zhao Bingxian also wrote two works on capital operation theory and effective action theory, published in 1997 and 2006, respectively.Capital operations theory is the first system of China ’s system discussing capital operation and investment banking, and has been rated as the top ten best -selling books in China in 1997.Effective action theory creates a set of business management models of concepts.

According to the official website of Wahua Pharmaceutical, Zhao Bingxian founded and served as the chairman and president of Beijing CSI Wanrong Investment Group in 1991, chairman of Beijing CSI Wan Rong Pharmaceutical Investment Group, and concurrently served as Shandong Wahua Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.Chairman of the Co., Ltd., Director of Lale Life Technology Co., Ltd., etc.

Securities Times reported that Luo La Life issued an announcement of Zhao Bingxian's resignation at the end of October. After resignation, he will no longer hold any position in the company. The resignation report will take effect from the date of submission.

In addition, the divorce case of Zhao Bingxian and his ex -wife Lu Juan has not yet come to an end.Lu Juan accused Zhao Bingxian's family violence in 2010 and proposed a divorce, demanding that he divides up to 2 billion yuan (about S $ 372 million).Zhao Bingxian repeatedly refused to appear in court, triggering a series of intense incidents, including Lu Juan took the company's safe in 2010, and Zhao Bingxian was suspected of snatching the alarm.

It is reported that the People's Court of Tongzhou District of Beijing made a first trial judgment on the property dispute after the divorce of Zhao Bingxian and Lu Juan, after the divorce of Zhao Bingxian and Lu Juan, and judged that the two parties jointly held Beijing China Securities Wanrong Investment Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as abbreviated referred to asChina Securities Wan Rong) shares of equity are divided on average.

China Securities Wan Rong is the controlling shareholder of Wohua Pharmaceutical. Previously, Zhao Bingxian and Lu Juan held 80%and 20%of the equity of CSI Wan Rong., Or directly, the company's actual controller is changed from Zhao Bingxian to no actual controller.

According to relevant regulations, after the judgment of the first instance, it does not take effect immediately. The parties have the right to appeal within 15 days.Zhao Bingxian has now appealed, and the judgment of the first instance has not yet taken effect.