(Beijing Comprehensive News) The website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Saturday (November 4) was reported that Zhang Hongli, the former vice president of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and is currently undergoing discipline review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.Essence

Public information shows that Zhang Hongli, now 58, graduated from Bayi Agricultural Reclamation University in Heilongjiang. In September 1989, he received a master's degree in genetic degree from the University of Albert, Canada, and a master's degree in business administration from St. Gora at the University of California in 1991.

Before joining the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Zhang Hongli worked for foreign institutions for a long time.He worked at HP, Schroder, Goldman Sachs, and joined the German Bank in 2001. Before leaving, Ren De will Bank Global Bank of the Asia Pacific President and Chairman of China.

The first foreign -funded executive of state -owned banks

In April 2010, Zhang Hongli, as the first executive from foreign financial institutions, served as the vice president of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.ICBC is a central management (that is, centrally managed) financial institutions, and vice presidents need to be selected by the Central Organization Department.Zhang Hongli's appointment was considered to be a breakthrough and attempt for the appointment system of executives in China's financial field at that time.In the context of the end of the financial crisis, the Board of ICBC believes that he is familiar with the international financial market and has rich experience in international banking management.

Zhang Hongli also served as a member of the 10th and 11th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in China from 2003 to 2013.

In July 2018, Zhang Hongli said that due to family reasons, he submitted his resignation to the Board of Directors of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.After that, he quickly joined the private equity company, Hillu, and became the co -chair chairman.He had participated in Hero's investment in HNA Group.

Once the former employer was sued

Zhang Hongli was sued by former employer German Bank during his tenure in the ICBC in 2014, accusing Zhang Hongli's "illegal occupation" bank funds and claiming to him.Zhang Hongli denied that he had improper behavior in the lawsuit.

The New York Times reported in October 2019 that the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) hired German Bank to hire senior officials in China and bribery officials to investigate. Zhang Hongli was accused of hiring the children of senior officials for German Bank.However, in the end, the SEC surveyed investigation, and did not ask German Bank to recognize that there was improper behavior.

Financial anti -corruption continues

The investigation of Zhang Hongli is the latest example of China's financial anti -corruption operation.The Central Financial Work Conference, which ended last week, also pointed out that "the problem of financial chaos and corruption has been repeatedly banned."

Liu Lianzhang, the former party secretary and chairman of the Bank of China, was expelled from the Communist Party of China for serious disciplinary violations last month.

Liu Lixian, former Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, was investigated in September.

The executives of the investigation by the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China were taken away, as well as the former chairman of the ICBC International.During Zhang Hongli, during his tenure, the jungle successively served as the CEO of ICBC Leasing and the Chairman of the ICBC International and CEO.