The Minister of Commerce of China Wang Wentao published a signature article, mentioning that it is necessary to further promote the opening of the system, promote the reasonable reduction of the negative list of foreign investment in the free trade pilot zone, and issue a negative list of cross -border service trade as soon as possible.

Wang Wentao on Monday (November 6) published a signature article entitled "Efforts to Build a High -level Free Trade Zone" in the People's Daily of the People's Daily of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.The article said that the construction of the Pilot Free Trade Zone is an important strategic measure for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Xi Jinping as the core of the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China to promote reform and opening up in the new era.

Wang Wentao said that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping coordinated two domestic and international situations and proposed a strategic concept of building a free trade pilot zone.experience.Xi Jinping pointed out that in the past ten years, the various trade pilot zones have implemented the decision -making and deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, emancipating their minds, adhering to innovation, and launched a large number of basic, pioneering reform and opening up measures, forming many iconic and leading innovation results in the leading system.The role of the comprehensive test and opening up test platform.

He pointed out that the Pilot Free Trade Zone took the lead in implementing the management model of national treatment plus a negative list before foreign investment admission, and the first to establish a trade facilitation management system focusing on the "single window" of international trade.The management model of the negative list of trade trade trade is to promote the comprehensive opening up of the service industry, take the lead in implementing government management reforms such as "separation and licenses", and take the lead in exploring financial open measures such as free trade accounts, which effectively plays the role of the comprehensive test platform.

Wang Wentao introduced that in 2022, 21 free trade pilot zones contributed about 18%of the total absorption of foreign capital and import and export in China for less than four thousandth of the land area.From January to August 2023, the scale of foreign trade in the Free Trade Zone was steadily advanced, and the quality continued to increase. The growth rates were higher than 5.7 and 4.8 percentage points across the country, which played a positive role in stabilizing foreign trade and foreign investment.

Wang Wentao said that Xi Jinping emphasized that on the basis of comprehensively summarizing the decade of construction experience, in -depth implementation of the free trade pilot zone improvement strategy, exploration in a wider field, deeper level, and striving to build higher construction higherLevel Free Trade Zone.

Wang Wentao proposed that it is necessary to further promote the opening of the system, and it will further promote the opening of rules, regulation, management, standards and other systems.Organize the implementation of the first batch of pilot and docking policies and measures of the Pilot Port of the Free Trade Zone, and promote it to a larger scale in a timely manner.On this basis, accelerate the comprehensive pilot to connect with the first trial work of international high -standard economic and trade rules.Promote the reasonable reduction in the negative list of foreign investment in the Pilot Free Trade Zone, issue a negative list of cross -border service trade as soon as possible, increase the pressure testing of open pressure, and lead China to continue to expand and open.