According to the website of the Ministry of Finance, on November 6, the Ministry of Finance notified 8 typical cases of hidden debt accounts investigated and dealt with since 2022, one of which was newly added in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province through state -owned enterprises in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province.Hidden debt issues.

Shangguan Jiqing

The report pointed out that from August 2019 to December 2020, according to the decision of the Xi'an Municipal Government's special issues, the construction funds of the Xi'an International Conference Center and other projects shall be borne by the municipal and district levels.Xi'an World Garden Investment (Group) Co., Ltd. loans to Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Shaanxi Branch of 7 billion yuan in the name of the construction of the Xi'an International Convention and Exhibition Center exhibition hall.6.15 billion yuan, of which 2.6 billion yuan was used for the construction expenditure of the Xi'an International Conference Center project, forming a new hidden debt of 2.6 billion yuan.

Shaanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Supervision Commission organize accountable persons to the person in accordance with the regulations: give the then mayor of Xi'an Mayor Shangguanmou Mayor Li gave criticism and education, and ordered a explanation and inspection at the annual democratic life meeting; Mememou, the director of the Xi'an Ecological Zone Management Committee, was given criticism and education, and ordered the explanation and inspection at the annual democratic life meeting of the year.; Yang, the director of the Xi'an Finance Bureau, gave a warning to the party in the party; Li Moumou, then the director of the Xi'an Finance Bureau, gave a penalty to the government affairs; he handled the other relevant personnel.

Chang'an Street was the mayor "Shangguan Moumou" at Xi'an Mayor, "Shangguanmou" should be Shangguan Jiqing.According to public information, Shangguan Jiqing, male, born in March 1963, a master's degree in management, senior accountant, served as deputy secretary of the Xi'an Municipal Party Committee from February 2016 to November 2018, mayor of the municipal government and party secretary of the party group.

In addition, according to the previous report of Xinhua News Agency, on November 5, 2018, the 16th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th People's Congress of Xi'an decided to accept the request of Shangguan Jiqing's resignation of the mayor of the Xi'an People's Government.On November 9, 2018, the 18th meeting of the 18th Standing Committee of Lianhu District of Xi'an decided to accept the post of representatives of the 16th National People's Congress of Xi'an.According to the relevant provisions of the representative law, the qualifications of Shangguan Jiqing terminated.

On January 9, 2019, the news films broadcast by CCTV Comprehensive Channel were in the end.For the first time in the film, Shangguan Jiqing was given a two -year sanction for the party and was reduced to the deputy department -level non -leadership position.

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