Li Shangfu was removed from the position of Chinese State Councilor and the Defense Minister Qin Gang was removed from the position of State Councilor

Former Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang was removed from the position of State Councilor in late October this year, Zhang Jiwen, the leader of the Central Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Central Discipline Inspection and Supervision of the CCP's highest diplomatic decision -making institution, published a signed article in early November, reminding foreign affairs cadres to be in the game of fighting against Western forces.The risks of the front line, the risk of being infiltrated and the corrosion of the corrosion is relatively high.

Interviewed analysts Research and judged that the content of this article is believed to be with Qin Gang incident incident Concentration, at the same time, it shows that the risk of China's official diplomatic system may be further increased in the face of the penetration.

Zhang Jiwen is the leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Office of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission in the Central Foreign Affairs Committee (Central Foreign Affairs Office).His signature article was published in the latest issue of China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Magazine published on November 1.

Zhang Jiwen pointed out in an article entitled by in -depth investigations and research to promote the prevention and resolution of the field of external work. Through investigation and development, the current comprehensive supervision units have hidden risks to varying degrees, which can be divided into three types of risks: politics, integrity, and management.

Zhang Jiwen said that the political risks of foreign work, including the implementation of the Chinese official instructions, instructions, instructions, leaks, and penetration.He pointed out that foreign -foreign cadres are the main forces of foreign work. They are at the front line of foreign exchanges, especially the game of fighting against the Western hostile forces. The risk of being infiltrated and corrosion is relatively high.

Zhang Jiwen pointed out in the article that the situation where the cadres' visits and abroad are still existed alone, and the risks of lack of ethics and morality of discipline and law are higher.He believes that the key person should be controlled by the system to build a firewall with a good risk with a sound system.

A Beijing scholar who did not want to be named in an interview with the United Morning Post was judged. The content of the article of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection also pointed out that it should be related to Qin Gang's dismissal.

After more than a year after the Ambassador to the United States, Qin Gang was promoted and reused after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in October last year. He was appointed as a foreign minister at the end of December.

Qin Gang suddenly disappeared at the end of June this year, and once he came out of his scandal.The Wall Street Journal quoted the person familiar with the matter on September 19 that Qin Gang was LifeMutual style issues are removed from office, but the official has not explained publicly.

Qin Gang was removed from the post of foreign ministers in late July this year, and was removed from the position of State Council on October 24th.Even party and state leaders who are punished by law.

Tang Renwu, Dean of the Government Management Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, said in an interview that Chinese Foreign Minister and Defense Minister were rare in the history of removal. Although it shows the determination and strength of China's anti -corruption, it still has a long way to go in the system.

Tang Renwu pointed out that the diplomatic front is one of the important areas of the current fierce game in China and the West. Foreign officials not only represent the national image, but also have the secrets of many countries.Secretly leaked.The latest signed article published by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection may show that leakage is not a case.

He pointed out that at the critical international game, China ’s internal attitude and policies on some geopolitical issues, as well as the disclosure of diplomatic chips, may increase the difficulty of work during the game, negatively affect Beijing’ s international exchanges, and even cause some some some of them.Interest loss.

On the other hand, Zhang Jiwen also pointed out in the article that the problem of corruption in the diplomatic system, including individual leading cadres, still exists in violation of the regulations, the gifts of gifts, public funds, and subsidies for illegal issuance.Other risks include illegal use of rights and power to seek rent, leased, and seek personal gain, and use the resources accumulated in their hands to seek private interest.