The temple abbot Zhang and the female anchor Cai had a relationship, which caused a extortion case.

On November 5th, Surging News learned from Cai's family members that recently, the case was tried in the Tsukihanshan District Court of Ya'an, Sichuan.

According to the prosecution letter of the Mingshan District Procuratorate, the female anchor Cai and her husband Qian usually sold mahogany furniture together in the live broadcast room.At the end of 2020, Zhang met Cai when he purchased mahogany furniture in the live broadcast room and kept in touch.

Mingshan District Procuratorate accused that on February 24, 2021, Cai came to Sichuan and had a relationship with Zhang in a hotel in Chengdu.Since then, Qian has discovered the unexpected behavior between his wife and Zhang, and learned that Zhang was a monk and was a more famous temple abbot and other identities in Pujiang, Chengdu.As a result, Qian Mou asked his wife Cai to meet Zhang to meet in Fujian again.

On April 23, 2021, Cai would make Zhang Mou to a hot spring resort hotel in Xianyou County, Fujian Province.Video that occurs.On July 10, 2021, Qian and Cai arrived in Chengdu. Cai would make Zhang Mou to the hotel room. Qian then appeared to show Zhang's identity to Zhang, and began to question Zhang and Qi'sOutstanding behavior between wives.

The indictment said that at the beginning, Zhang did not admit it, but after Qian showed the intimate photos of him and his wife Cai in the hotel room, Zhang finally acknowledged the unfair relationship between the two.Zhang later proposed to pay 1 million yuan to Cai.In the end, Cai received the money paid by Zhang's 2 million yuan (including 1 million yuan of mahogany furniture) money to return to Fujian with her husband.

In February 2023, Qian went to Sichuan to contact Zhang to meet again, and Zhang did not respond.Qian Mou also contacted Zhang's friend Wang Moudong to expose the threat with the Internet, so that Zhang came to meet with him.

The indictment stated that Zhang was helpless and arranged Wang Moudong and his apprentice Li Moujun to negotiate with Qian.The payment was 3.3 million yuan, and Qian Mou contacted Cai Mou to the famous mountains in Sichuan to issue an understanding letter to complete the matter.

The public prosecution agency said that on February 24, 2023, Qian, Cai, Zhang, Wang Mou Dong, and Li Moujun negotiated at a hotel in a hotel in a famous mountain.An agreed to reduce another 100,000 yuan, pay 1.2 million yuan immediately, and pay 1 million yuan each year after the Ming Dynasty (2024, 2025).

Cai wrote the understanding of the understanding of the content agreed by several people. Zhang paid 699,000 yuan to Qian and Cai Mou to Qian and Cai by cash by cash.The prosecutor said that after paying the money, Zhang had been charged and called the police after he was worried that he would continue to be blackmail and called the police. After receiving the police, the police of the Mingshan Branch of the Ya'an Public Security Bureau arrived at the scene and captured Qian and Cai.

The procuratorate believes that Qian and Cai Mou had a extortion of 3.2 million yuan, of which 1.199 million yuan was a crime of crime, and 2001,000 yuan was attempted to be criminal due to the unreal delivery.Qian Mou and Cai Mou have forced other people's property by threats, and the amount is particularly huge. He should investigate the criminal responsibility of the defendants Qian and Cai.However, in the common crime, Qian Mou played the main role and was the main criminal; Cai Mou had a secondary role.