In response to the proposal of cross -party members of the United States cross -party members who incorporated more Hong Kong officials and judges into the sanctions list, the director of the Hong Kong Security Agency Deng Bingqiang criticized in the Shangtai program, and the behavior was like an underworld.

According to the Sing Tao Daily, Deng Bingqiang criticized on the Shangtai program on Sunday (November 5) that some American politicians threatened Hong Kong's independent judicial power for their own interests and emphasized that Hong Kong will not be affected.It will also continue to defend freedom and judicial independence.

Earlier, the US media reported that members of the United States Senate Council launched the Hong Kong Sanctions Law on Thursday (2nd), asking Washington to evaluate 49 officials such as Lin Dingguo, director of the Hong Kong Law Department, and Xiao Zeyi, Director of Police DepartmentWhether the behavior meets the US sanctions standards to investigate their responsibility for suspected human rights.Many named judges are the designated judges of the Hong Kong National Security Law.

Deng Bingqiang said that under the "zero -sum concept", the United States targets China's development and uses the different systems of Hong Kong and the mainland of China to incite splitting through the media. Therefore, Article 23 of the Basic Law must be able to cope with the challenges of today and the future.

Asked whether 23 legislation will have extravagance like the Hong Kong National Security Law. Deng Bingqiang responded that it is believed that there will be related clauses in the country's security law in most countries in the world.The behavior that endangers Guoan occurs abroad.As for the traceability, he said that ordinary law areas are generally not available.

As for the 23rd legislation, whether the relevant cases have the opportunity to handle it to the Central Government of China. Deng Bingqiang said that some special situations under the Hong Kong National Security Law will be handled by the central government, including complex or facing the face of complex or facing the face.Cases of major risks, but I believe that there are very few related cases, and Hong Kong itself can also be effectively implemented, and do not want to have relevant situations.