(Moscow Composite Electric) EU announced that the Russian opposition leader Navalnia's widow Navarnia attended the EU Foreign Minister's meeting to express support signals with foreign ministers from various countries.

Boerley, a senior representative of EU diplomacy and security policy, said that Navarnera met Monday (February 19) to meet with the EU Foreign Minister.The fighter's strong support signal.

The news of the death of Navali has enhanced the EU's motivation to issue a new round of sanctions on Russia.An EU senior diplomat revealed that the European Union has coordinated with Washington and London. It is believed that the EU "reached a consensus on new sanctions on February 24th in time."

47 -year -old Navari died after the unwelling sense of unwell in the Siberian polar hell on February 16. The specific cause of death was still confusing.

The Navari spokesman Yalmish said on the X platform on Monday that the investigator told Navari's mother and lawyer that he would extend the investigation time.Essence

It is reported that Navari's mother and lawyer have not been allowed to enter the mortar, and the staff did not want to disclose the whereabouts of the Navali body.

At the same time, Moscow continued to strengthen mourning activities for Navali in various places.In St. Petersburg, 154 people were sentenced to 14 days for violating Russia's severe argumentation.Human Rights Organization said that more than 400 people who attended the mourning activities were detained.

In order to block the mourning rally into a demonstration, Russia dispatched police and plainclothes personnel to patrol the police and plainclothes personnel around dozens of cities.Block the mourner.