The "Light Star Festival" (February 16) of the North Korean Memorial Day (February 16), North Korea launched a number of cruise missiles two days ago.Experts believe that this is not a simple performance test, but a force display to sell weapons to Russia.

The Korean Army revealed on Wednesday (14th) that at 9 am on the same day, the Korean Army detected multiple cruise missiles in the eastern waters of North Korea, and the missiles finally fell into the waters of the eastern part of the East Bank of Korea.The Korean Army is maintaining a high degree of alertness and working closely with the US military to pay close attention to North Korea's trends.

This is the fifth time in North Korea launched a cruise missile since 2024.On January 24th, North Korea launched a number of new strategic cruise missiles "Rockets -3-31" near Pyongyang's west of Pyongyang. Two same-type missiles were launched in the waters near Xinpu City, Xianjing South Road on the 28th.The "Arrow-2" missile launched the western waters, and on February 2nd, a cruise missile "Super Large Battle Department" was launched in the western waters.

The Korean Army sources speculated that the North Korean side intended to improve the stability and strike accuracy of the missile system.

February 16th is the "Bright Star Festival" in North Korea's major festival, that is, the birthday of the late leader Kim Jong Il.In the past, North Korea often provoked before and after the "Star Festival".

Experts point out that North Korea's abnormal high -frequency test -fired cruise missiles are designed to strengthen the capabilities of missile carrying nuclear warheads and may pose a serious threat to South Korea.

It is understood that Yuanshan, which captured the cruise missile this time, is not far from a unmanned island in the offshore of Jizhou County, Xianjing North Road.North Korea is usually used as a short -range ballistic missile (SRBM).

For this reason, experts believe that such a high -frequency launching missile is not a simple test weapon, but a display to sell weapons to Russia.The DPRK may shoot videos of the unmanned island hitting a new cruise missile for external publicity to attract Russian attention.

Zhang Yonggen, head of the Missile Center of the National Institute of National Security Strategy, pointed out that if it is a simple performance verification test, the scene of the target will generally not publicize, but considering exporting weapons to Russia) The possibility of cracking targets.

In order to accelerate the development of cutting -edge weapons, North Korea has maintained a close relationship with Russia and makes the international community worry.

The White House National Security Council Strategic Communication Coordinator Kobe said on the 13th local time that the United States takes a serious look at the efforts and strength of Kim Jong -un's development of the cutting -edge weapon system.