(Washington Composite Electric) US media reported that Israel proposed to Hamas to suspend the battle to Hamas for about two months through Qatar and Egypt in exchange for all the hostages that Harma's release in the Gaza.fighting.Hamas has not responded to the proposal.

The American News Website AXIOS on Monday (January 22) quoted anonymous Israeli officials reported that the Cabinet Cabinet in Israel had approved the above proposal.As a result, Hamas was released to release hostages in the stage, the first to release women and men over 60 years old and more critical; subsequent release of female soldiers, male civilians, male soldiers under 60 years old, and at least 28 hostages.The Israeli news website YNET later reported the news.

This is the longest suspension period proposed by Israel since the outbreak of the Harbin war. This is because it is estimated that about 132 hostages are currently deducted in Gaza, and it takes up to two months to release all hostages; as exchange for exchange;Israel will also release some Palestinian prisoners.

Israel also plans to withdraw some troops from the main cities of Gaza, and allows Palestinian civilians to gradually return to northern Gaza.After the ceasefire period is over, the scale and intensity of the Israeli movement in Gaza may decrease significantly.

U.S. officials say that reaching such an agreement may be the only way to achieve the ceasefire.However, it was stated that it would not agree to end the war, nor to release all 6,000 Palestinian prisoners.

Magic, a coordinator of the White House National Security Council Middle East and North Africa's affairs, will visit Egypt and Qatar this week to promote a new hostage exchange agreement with Haha.

U.S. officials: Israel's rejection of the two countries' plans Hamas leaders or would rather fight Gaza

According to the United States CNN (CNN), an official official revealed that Israel has recently proposed to leave Hamas senior leaders away from Gaza and suggested that this will be included in the potential ceasefire agreement.

Reports pointed out that although this means that Hamas leaders will be able to leave Gaza safely, Israel will weaken Hamas' control over Gagosa and will continue to hunt up senior members of Haras overseas.

Senior Researcher Shela, a senior researcher at the Institute of National Security of Israel, pointed out that Israel's goal is to overthrow Hamas's dominance in Gaza."If we bring back all the hostages, (Hamas leader) Sinwal also leave, this will definitely make most Israelis feel that we have won."

U.S. officials believe that it is unlikely that Sima and the people around him are unlikely to agree to evacuate Gaza safely, and it is better to die there because they do not believe that Israel will take a matter of Gaza.The Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu has repeatedly stated recently that it is necessary to completely eliminate Hamas and reject the plans of the two countries.

The Israeli military reported on Tuesday that 24 soldiers were killed in Gaza that day. It was the day since the outbreak of the Harbin conflict.In this regard, Neutana's response is: "For our heroes, for our lives, we cannot stop fighting until they are completely victory."

German Foreign Minister: The two -country plan is the only solution

The European Union urged Israel Monday, and eventually reached a solution between the two countries with Palestine.

The EU 27 Foreign Diplomacy held talks in Brussels on the same day, respectively, and foreign ministers of the Arab countries, respectively.After the meeting, German Foreign Minister Berbak said: "The two countries are the only solution." Jordania Foreign Minister Safadi warned that Israel continued to adopt measures to destroy the two countries' plans, destined to allow more conflicts and war in the Middle East in the future.

Palestinian Foreign Minister Ma Liki asked the EU to call on Israel to stop fire immediately and consider imposing sanctions on Neiahu, saying that he destroyed the opportunity to reach a plan for two countries.

Israeli Foreign Minister Cats avoided talking about the plans of the two countries, saying that Israel's current concern is to rescue hostages and ensure national security.

The senior representative of EU diplomacy and security policy, Berrely, emphasized that the imperative is to provide support for the Gaza people who are caught in humanitarian disasters, but this does not hinder the holding international conferences and continue to work hard to achieve lasting peace.