(Franklin Composite) was held on Tuesday, the Second President of the United States Republican President in New Hampshire. This is the first time that the former President Trump and the former governor of South Carolina Governor Heili, the Governor of Florida,By a comparison.As the result may have a decisive impact on who will represent the Republican election president, Trump and Heili both voted at the last moment.

At 00:00 on Tuesday (January 23) (Singapore time at 1 pm on Tuesday), the Dixville Notch in the border town of the New Hampshire State Border Town voted first in accordance with the convention. Four local Republican registered voters and two independent votersBoth voted to Heili.

This is a good start for Heili. There are a large number of independent voters in New Hampshire. They can also vote in the local Republican preliminary selection, which is relatively good for Heili, which has a relatively gentle position.However, the polls announced by the Washington Post on Monday show that Trump's local support rate is as high as 52%, which is much higher than 34%of Heili.

Trump hopes that in New Hampshire's overwhelming victory as the preliminary election of Aiwa last week, kicking Heili out of the game as soon as possible, so that the key to the Democratic Party President Biden, who is re -elected, and his ownA series of legal troubles.

Trump said confidently at the Monday campaign rally: "There are only two people left. I want one person to leave tomorrow."

He also said, "This is a very important vote. When you enter the voting station, you will send such a signal that we want the bad president in American history and dishonest Bayeng to step down."

Heili actively strive for women's votes

Heili held five campaigns on Monday in New Hampshire on Monday, which may be that she persuaded Republican voters to consider candidates outside Trump and proved to Kim Lord to defeat Trump's last chance.She said: "Convenience is accompanied by Trump. We can't get the country into chaos, make the world fire, and go through four years of confusion, because we will not be able to support it."

In order to highlight the different from Trump, it attracts mild and independent voters to vote for her. Earlier, Hye Li, who had avoiding high -sex, also began to actively strive for women's votes.Heili's campaign manager said that Heili has appointed a chairman to assist her in supporting female voters in 50 states in the United States. They are an important part of the Heili campaign.

The new Hampshire female voters who do not want Trump to return to the White House are also actively voting for Heilira, hoping to help her become the first female president in the United States.Harlo, a 49 -year -old independent female voter, said: "I think Heili -she happens to be a woman -she will complete the work, solve many problems we face, and make the United States great again."

Republican strategist Jim Merrill believes that the results of the preliminary election of New Hampshire may depend on the voting rate and the voting ratio of Republican and independent voters."Heili has a chance to be here tomorrow (winning). This opportunity is to have enough Republican voters (stay at home), and a large number of independent voters will vote."

Su Nu, Governor of New Hampshire, believes that even if he cannot win the primary election of New Hampshire, Heili can continue to decide with Trump.他星期天(21日)接受彭博电视访问时说:“只要取得比艾奥瓦州初选更好的表现……只要她继续保持这种势头,就有很多机会。”但他指出,黑利After that, more than 10 states must be held at the same time (March 5), which will be held at the same time (March 5).

The primary election of the Democratic Party of New Hampshire was also held on Tuesday, but due to the differences in the diverse of the primary election, this primary election was not recognized by the Democratic National Committee, and Biden did not sign up to participate.