Iranian President Leis said that the Israeli air strike in the Syrian capital Deal , Iran will not "ignore it."

Israel launched an air raid on Syrian Syrian Malaysia, causing at least 10 people to die, and five of them were members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Iran subsequently stated that he "reserved the right to respond."The Broadcasting Corporation reported on Sunday (21st) that Rich issued a statement on the official website of the president, saying that Israel should be responsible for the attack.

Laish mourned the family members of "Senior Martyrs" and vowed to avenge their death.He said the attack was "coward -style assassination of the five most outstanding consultants in Iran", "terrorism and crime", "showing (Israel) despair and weakness in the face of resistance to the front.""We won't be ignored."

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard is an important military, political and economic force in Iran.Since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011, the senior generals of the Iranian revolutionary guard have been stationed in Syria.Earlier reports said that sources who were closely organized with the Iraqi government said that the Iranian revolutionary guards had a military adviser's office in the residential building attacked on Saturday. Iranian personnel were meeting there when the incident.

This air strike occurred in Mazzeh, a residential area in the southwest of Damascus, with local military airports, UN headquarters in Damascus, embassies and restaurants.After the attack, the Iranian Michar News Agency (MEHR) quoted insiders reports that the intelligence director of the Revolutionary Guard in Syria, his deputy and two other revolutionary guards were killed in the attack.

According to the Syrian Ministry of Defense, the attack also killed "some civilians".

In the past ten years, Israel has been bombarding the Syrian army station in Syria and the goals related to Iran.On October 7 last year, the Hamas Vietnam of the Palestinian armed organizations supported by Iran attacked Israel, which killed 1,200 people by claiming the attack; after the conflict between the two sides broke out, Israel attacked Syria and Lebanon more violently.

Saturday's attack on Syria once again exacerbated the tense Middle East situation.

According to the Gaza Health Department managed by Hamas, more than 24,900 people have been killed in the Gaza Strip.In addition to Gaza, the Hussean armed organizations in Yemen have continued to attack international vessels in the Red Sea for more than two months.They were all happening; recently, Iran and Pakistan also launched air strikes.