(Paris French New Dian) The largest Antarctic Iceberg in the world was split from the Antarctic Coast in 1986, and was once stuck in the sea bed for more than 30 years.However, this iceberg began to drift north last year and believes that it will eventually melt in a warmer ocean.

The iceberg named A23A covers an area of ​​nearly 4,000 square kilometers, which is equivalent to twice as much as the Greater London area, which is larger than five Singapore.

It is currently drifting between the Antarctic Island and the South Orkney Islands. A British polar science ship who was inspected in Antarctica last month met the iceberg.

Merjes, chief scientist on board, described: "It feels really amazing, we spent six hours before driving through it."

A23A is 400 meters thick and contains 1 trillion tons of freshwater. It may drift in the South Georgia Island in the northeast, causing concerns that if it is parked near the island, penguins and seals may hinder them when they reach them for food food.Places threatened the survival of these wild animals.

However, scientists think that it is more likely that A23A will split into smaller ice cubes like other icebergs that have drifted north.This will not threaten wild animals, but may affect fishing vessels."In the end, they are destined to melt into the ocean."