(Washington Composite Electric) The U.S. Presidential Climate Special Envoy, Kerry, will resign and plans to help US President Biden for re -election.

A person familiar with the matter revealed on Saturday (January 13) that after talking with Biden on Wednesday (10th), Kerry decided to inform the staff on Saturday.Sources pointed out that the Biden government has not yet decided to take over the candidate of Cry.

The US media quoted officials who were familiar with the situation that Kerry intends to help Biden's successful success through publicity Bayeng's achievements in responding to global warming.

Kerry said in an interview with the US Broadcasting Corporation: "I think that since this year is the election year, Congress is in a frozen state, I will step down, but I will not give up solving this problem (climate issue), and I will continueParticipate in the problem from other favorable perspectives. "

After being elected in November 2020, Bayeng appointed Clei, a chief of climate issues that had been served as a senator and served as the former President Obama government in the past, and represented the US government to respond to climate change crisis on behalf of the US government on behalf of the US government.

Kerry, 80, has been actively dealing with climate change in the past few decades.In 1992, he participated in the UN's first climate change summit.During his three years as a special envoy of the Biden government climate, he sought a regional agreement around the world to promote clean energy and emission reduction.

One of the main drafters of the Paris Agreement, Kerry may fight for young voters for Biden

Kerry is one of the main drafters of the Paris Agreement. The agreement was passed by nearly 200 countries in 2015 to solve the negative impact of climate change.

Kerry has clearly stated earlier that he would not give up climate struggle even if he left the government.He once said: "As long as God gives me a chance to breathe, I will continue to work hard, no matter what ways are used."

Bloomberg's analysis pointed out that the decision of Kerry's resignation may mean that he can use more time to promote favorable policies and projects.This may include help to fight for more support for Biden, because the president is striving for young voters with a sense of climate awareness.