North Korean leader Kim Jong -un recently stated that after North and South Korea are hostile countries, it can never achieve unification. North Korea has suspended its transportation on South Korea's civil exchange agencies and radio stations, causing attention.American experts warned that Kim Jong -un has continued to mention that "war" may not be blunt since the beginning of last year. The current situation in the peninsula is as dangerous as before the Korean War in 1950.

Yonhap News Agency reported that North Korea ’s publicity website“ from our nation ”,“ unified echo ”,“ Liu Jing ”,“ North Korea Today ”,“ Dawn ”, and Kim Il Sung Broadcasting University’ s website “Our National Lecture Hall”Waiting for the server on the Chinese website, it will not be able to log in in the early morning of Thursday (11th).

The Ministry of Unification of South Korea also said that North Korea has no signal from South Korea's "Pyongyang Broadcasting" since Friday (12th)."Pyongyang Broadcasting" was a "secret sign" that North Korea issued instructions to South Korea.

North Korean Society reported on Saturday (13th) that in order to thoroughly implement Kim Jong -un's policy of changing the South Korean Plenary Session of the Ninth Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers' Party, North Korea held a united meeting on the Korean department cadres on the 12th.At the meeting, it was decided to organize the "Practice 6.15 Common Declaration National Commission" of the Northern Committee, the Northern Committee of the Motherland, the unified pan -ethnic nation -headed northern headquarters, the national reconciliation agreement, and the Tanjun National Unified Agreement.

Hong Yan, a senior research member of the Unified Research Institute, pointed out that North Korea seems to practice "abandoning unification" with practical actions.Based on the theory of the state and the state in the future, it will take stronger offensive operations against South Korea in military and political diplomacy.

US experts: The current situation in the peninsula is as dangerous as before the Korean War

In addition, Robert Kalin, Robert Kalin and Zigfrid Hak, a researcher at the Institute of International Research Institute of Midelbury International in the United States, published an article on the "38 degrees north latitude" in North Korea, saying that the current situation in the peninsula is compared to 1950It is dangerous at any time since June.Just like Jin Richeng in 1950, Kim Jong -un seemed to make a strategic decision to launch war.

They said, although they do not know when or how Kim Jong -un will pull the trigger, the current danger level has surpassed the level of "provocation" that Han and the United States often warned."The information is not" bluffing. "

They believe that Kim Jong -un was very disappointed with the rupture of the Hanoi Summit in February 2019. The goal of the North Korean regime, that is, the normalization of North Korea and the United States, was the main reason for his decision to launch the war.North Korea has strengthened cooperation with China and Russia to create a friendly global environment. North Korea may judge that military methods should seek military methods to solve the Peninsula issue.

Two scholars pointed out that in this case, South Korea and the United States still insist on the idea of maintaining the status quo of the Korean and American Alliance are worrying.South Korea and the United States often send out information about "If North Korea launch an attack, it will completely destroy the North Korean regime", but the current statement may promote North Korea to take action beyond the predicted by the outside world.

They also advocated that Kim Jong -un's recent speech and action showed that he began to tend to use the military solution of nuclear weapons.They pointed out that the possibility of talking about war may make people feel crazy, but history has proven that the most dangerous game is worth trying for those who are confident that they have no other better choices.