(Washington / Demein Composite Electric) The majority of the United States encountered extreme cold weather on weekends in the United States. The northeast and the central and western parts were snowing. Texas also set down frozen rain in the south, affecting the power supply and disruption of people's itineraries.It was also forced to cancel.

The National Meteorological Administration of Meteorological pointed out that Blizzard has swept the central and western regions from Saturday (January 13), and the polar cold currents that come at the end of the end of the two days will invade Denver to New York.New York State Governor Hochrr reminds the public on the social media X platform that during this period, travel will be "very dangerous" and should be avoided as much as possible.

The Meteorological Bureau also predicts that the temperature in the central and western regions, especially Dako, may fall below minus 46 degrees Celsius, setting a new low temperature record.When the United States suffered the coldest polar vortex (Polarvortex) in decades in 2019, there were ultra -low temperatures below minus 30 degrees Celsius in many areas of the central and western regions, which was even colder than Antarctica.At that time, Chicago's temperature was only minus 46 degrees Celsius, and many places were frozen.

The Meteorological Bureau said that this time the cold current will also pass to the south of Arkansas, southern Missouri, and the Mountains of Abbalachia.Dezhou is expected to usher in the ultra -low temperature of the ice and snow, and the demand for electricity is expected to reach the highest.

According to Poweroutage.us of Power tracking website, Saturday's Storm Snow caused a large -scale power outage of Wisconsin and Michigan. The power supply of 150,000 households and merchants in Michigan alone was interrupted, and tens of thousands of flights were affected.

Storm Snow may affect the Republican primary voting rate

In Aiwa, Monday (15th) is the first primary election nominated by the Republican presidential candidate, but due to bad weather, many candidates have canceled the pre -election campaign, including the previous showing stormsUnimpeded former President Trump.

The temperature of the capital of Aiwa, the temperature of Saturday, was minus 17 degrees Celsius. After the night, it would decline. The Trump's campaign team changed the original face -to -face rally to a remote rally of a live video.

The polls show that Trump's current support leads his opponent's opponent in the Republican Party, South Carolina Governor Heili, as well as the Governor of Florida De Santis.However, Blizzard may affect the voting rate of the Republican primary election, which in turn gives backward candidates a chance to win.Trump currently leads Heili (20%) and De Santis (16%) with a 48%support rate.

On the other hand, the pursuit of re -elected US President Biden has adjusted the campaign strategy, focusing on the economic brand attracting votes to resolve voters' concerns about living expenses and prices.

Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter and said that the promotional strategy of promoting economic achievements to voters has not been greatly effective. Now Biden will focus on highlighting the efforts of his efforts to reduce the price of daily necessities and launch a new home purchase plan.Ensure that everyone can afford a house and make voters know more about the benefits they can get.